The bottom floor of the hotel.

All the instructors of the major martial arts schools and the martial artists of the evil cults were stunned.

"Impossible, is it too humid down here?"Xiao Lan scratched her head in confusion.

Huang Zhong and Liang Guoan thought that someone was secretly helping them.

They looked at each other and nodded heavily.

"Take action!"

"All of them will be killed on the spot!"

Huang Zhong smashed the ground with one foot, turned into a human-shaped cannonball, and rushed forward first.

Huoyun Suanni rushed out in Chen Jujie's gloomy eyes, opened his mouth and spewed out a raging flame, which collided head-on with Huang Zhong, instantly illuminating the entire bottom floor.


The flames collapsed.

The flames spread in all directions like meteors, further dispelling the darkness.

"Xiaolan, light the explosives quickly!"

"If it really doesn't work, just blow it up!"

The other cult warriors roared.

After that, they rushed out to entangle Wufu.

Looking at Xiaolan again , he was sweating anxiously and continued to light the explosives.

As for Qin Feng in the ground, he was also anxious.

There was fire around.

The darkness could no longer be his umbrella. If he made another move, he would definitely be discovered!

"If I do this next, will the live broadcast room be blocked?"

"do not care!"

"If we have to seal it, we should seal the live broadcast room of the cult warriors!"

Qin Feng gritted his teeth, swam underground like a fish, and quickly came to the top of the gunpowder.

At this time, Xiao Lan shouted in ecstasy:"It's lit, great Lord, we are coming to you!"

The cult warriors were ecstatic!

The instructors of the major martial arts schools were furious!

Just when the cult warriors were excited... a crystal water line on the ceiling drew a beautiful arc and accurately poured the fuse!

Those cult warriors holding selfie sticks raised their hands suddenly, and the mobile phone camera instantly captured a long object!


What a big Kun!

It even shook a few times very spiritually.

The cult warriors widened their eyes, and the frustrated and disgusted look was simply performed vividly!


A roar from the heart echoed at the bottom.

Their blasting plan was finally destroyed by a pee?!

Even Huang Zhong and others opened their eyes wide.

It turns out that exposing birds in the live broadcast room can save the world!

""Does Mr. Huang admire me very much?"

Qin Feng hung upside down on the ceiling, showing his signature honest smile.

Huang Zhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sure enough, this brat!

Only he could do such a thing!

Huang Zhong secretly gave a thumbs up, feeling so much emotion in his heart! (Physically!) Then he shouted:"Kill!"

Suddenly, the killing started again.

The cult warriors felt the pressure doubled!

Qin Feng hid.

He felt countless murderous eyes!

【In ancient times, Xue Rengui took off his hat to repel thousands of enemies. Today, the host exposes his penis to save the world! Host, calling for you! 】

The system's complaints are still sharp.

At this moment, the number of bullet comments on major live broadcast platforms in China Dragon Country has skyrocketed!

"Oh my god! How could he not laugh in such a serious situation?"

"Wow, is he the first person recognized by the country to expose his penis?"

"Although the method is a bit shameful, at least it works, awesome!"

"Well, I have 36D, am I worthy of Qin Feng?"

"36D Move back, I still want to fencing with Qin Feng!"

Various comments appeared one after another, pushing Qin Feng to the top of the hot search list.

But, none of this matters!

What matters is that the battle on the ground floor of the hotel has entered its final stage!

Huang Zhong fought more and more bravely, even though he was covered in blood, his two axes were still flying and spinning, just like Li Kui in Water Margin, chopping Huoyun Suanni to make him scream, and a huge head rolled to the ground.

Chen Jujie's expression changed in shock.

Facing the whistling sound of the axe, he was about to dodge, but Huang Zhong's speed suddenly increased.


Half of his body could not withstand the chopping of the short axe, and it was chopped from the shoulder to the crotch, and his internal organs and intestines flowed out in large pieces, which was very bloody.

The warriors of other cults were also retreating step by step.

Xiao Lan wanted to break the explosives by force, but was suppressed by the martial arts instructor.

"Death is your final destination!"

Liang Guoan's pupils were cold and blue like the sea, and he crossed his arms and waved.

Buzz - the ground began to crack as a mighty force swept across!

Gravel, floor, large stones, etc. combined into sharp stone spears, killing Xiao Lan and other evil cult warriors.

No matter how they roared, struggled, and resisted, it was useless!

Puff puff puff!

The cold stone spears penetrated the bodies of Xiao Lan and other evil cult warriors.

Large pieces of stone crushed them and smashed them into a bloody mess, and they couldn't die anymore!

Qin Feng was shocked.

These mentors are usually kind, but when it comes to the fighting stage, they are all fucking killing gods!

"It's my turn now."

He poked his head out from the ground, grinning.

How could Qin Feng give up such a famous scene!

He quietly pointed the selfie sticks at a certain position, then trotted over and said hurriedly:"Teacher Liang, just beat him to death, don't beat him into a pulp."

"You did a good job, kid." Liang Guoan was in a very good mood, and he laughed when he saw Qin Feng.

After that, he put down the giant stone.

Qin Feng ran over and grabbed a dead cult warrior. Standing on the pile of corpses, he shouted to the major live broadcast platforms on his mobile phone:"I thought the War Marquis Realm was already weak enough, but I never thought that the War King Realm was also so weak!"

""War King Realm, nothing more than that!"

After saying that, Qin Feng twisted the neck of the evil cult warrior in his hand, his face full of disdain and domineering.

Liang Guoan's expression instantly froze.

""You are such a boaster!" Huang

Zhong couldn't help but curse. You are such a boaster! You are such a boaster! You are only at the advanced warrior level, and you dare to claim to have killed a warrior king? If you want to lie, you should at least find a better excuse! But the Internet doesn't care. Even if you say you are Qin Shi Huang, there will always be a few idiots who believe you! You have to believe in the netizens' unlimited IQ!

"Battle King Realm?! Such a strong man actually died in Qin Feng's hands!"

"Awesome! From today on, Qin Feng is a god, and I, the First Emperor, will appoint him as a general!"

"It really is worthy of being the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy. The warrior-level counterattack against the war king level will surely become a legend!"

"No, don’t you all have no brains?!"

The netizens were completely excited about Qin Feng's words"War King Realm, nothing more than that"!

This is not outrageous, but���It's outrageous that he went home and knocked on the door. It's outrageous that his father, mother, and his ancestors all opened the door!

Qin Feng saw that the effect had been achieved, and he was very satisfied.

After this, someone should come to me to shoot commercials and endorse various things, right?

Isn't this just making a lot of money easily?

"Be low-key, always be low-key!"

"Isn't it just becoming a big star? That's all!"

Qin Feng laughed in his heart.

At the same time, he also began to extract the corpse under his feet.

Even if he had been dead for a while, his blood value and the considerable

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 34 HP points】

【Gain: 25 HP points】

【Obtained: HP 185】

【Obtained: HP 296】


The blood value suddenly soared!

Qin Feng was stunned.

It's over!

It's going to exceed 3999!

At this moment... a voice that made him tremble rang in his mind:

【Obtained, S-level elemental system……】

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