[Obtained: S-level elemental system, breaking through the air! ]

Qin Feng was so happy that he was hit by a pie in the sky.

Breaking through the air!

S-level elemental system!

That bug ability that can have an independent space!

You know, even the current Blue Star technology has not pointed out the skill tree of the space ring.

Of course, this is the knowledge Qin Feng knows at present.

As for whether the strong have it, it is unknown.

But these are not the point!

The point is that Qin Feng has broken through the air!

From now on, you don’t have to carry a lot of things to kill fierce beasts, just throw them directly into the broken air!

At the same time.

Qin Feng felt a burning pain spreading all over his body, as if the blood was burning!

This is a sign of entering the realm of war generals!

The difference between the warrior realm and the war general realm is the position of tempering.

The warrior realm tempers the appearance, that is, the skin.

The war general realm tempers the inner, that is, the bones.

Steel bones!

It’s the war general realm!

Iron skin is the first layer of defense, and steel bones are the second layer of defense.

This shows how terrible the defense of the war general realm is!

"It’s all over!"

"I am at the level of a general. How can I participate in the competition?"

"The system misled me! I hate you!"

Qin Feng walked down the pile of corpses with his head down and was about to lie down and cry, but he saw a head facing him. He pushed it aside and continued crying.

【I have to see if there is a suitable new host around. It would be best to find a cute girl with a sweet voice, 36D long legs and a nice butt.】

"Come on, I'm almost there."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

Anyway, he had already broken through to the war general realm, so he had to accept his fate.

Continue to extract!

He not only extracted it, but also infused the blood into the silver armor.

Qin Feng's silver armor was already fully covered, but it had not reached the real peak.

Silver armor, silver armor, he is not like a layer of silver plating, but forms an armor-like appearance, that is the most perfect appearance

【Gain: 210 HP points】

【Gain: 67 HP points】

【Gain: 181 HP points】


(PS: These are the blood resources for the silver armor, not for Qin Feng)

With a bang!

The silver armor on Qin Feng's body condensed autonomously. It was no longer pure silver covering the skin, but slowly extended outward.

From the blurred lines of the armor, it gradually became clear.

This process was very long.

But Qin Feng was not in a hurry at all, and even closed his eyes happily, and began to feel the air-breaking ability of the S-level elemental system. He had to get familiar with the new ability. Moreover, it was comparable to the SSS-level existence! Buzz- Qin Feng clearly felt that his soul was connected to a mysterious space. It was desolate, dark and lonely, as if it was an unknown mysterious world.

""It's really small!"

Qin Feng sensed his own world, and immediately had only two words to comment.

The world... is only 1 square meter in size!

"No wonder Pokong can only be rated as S-level!"

"Good man, if we really want to expand it, how many resources will it cost?"

Qin Feng secretly complained in his heart.

It happened that at this time.

The complete form of the silver armor was successfully condensed!

The silver armor, shining like a silver sun, was shining on the bottom floor of the hotel. It was like a battle armor like a masked rider, close-fitting, hard, and handsome!

The helmet and mask are very similar to the Transformers Pillar Brother, which can reveal the true face or cover the face!

In a word: It's so damn handsome!

The entire pile of corpses was basically drained by Qin Feng.

About 5,000 blood value!

Qin Feng himself couldn't help but suck in a mouthful of cold skin.

Cultivation is really a waste of money!

He looked at the world of breaking through the sky, and then looked at the fighting in the final stage, and prepared to quietly go over to extract the blood of the corpse.

He wanted to see how much blood it would take to expand the world of breaking through the sky!

"You little brat... you actually broke through! ?"

Huang Zhong restrained his muscles, wearing ragged clothes, and saw the sneaky Qin Feng, his eyes suddenly changed.

Qin Feng was embarrassed:"If you don't say it and I don't say it, no one will know."

The implication is.

For the glory of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House, shut up!

Huang Zhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and it was incredible at the same time.

Countless high-level warriors who reached the 3999th level didn't dare to say that they could break through quickly, and it took a long time to accumulate.

But for Qin Feng, how could it be as simple as drinking water and eating?

"Hmm? The minister and the others are here."Huang Zhong seemed to have noticed something and suddenly said.

Qin Feng hurriedly touched the corpse!

He will definitely be driven out later, so he took advantage of the time to extract more blood and qi!

【Gain: 300 HP points】

【Gain: 250 HP points】

【Gain: 230 HP points】


The blood was beating wildly.

It was infused into the world of breaking through the air.

Qin Feng could feel that the mysterious space was expanding rapidly, and he was immediately delighted.

The larger the space, the more things can be stored!

And there is no need to worry about others being robbed!

At the passage.

Minister Ziyang and others arrived quickly.

It was obvious that the enemy above had been killed.

"Minister, they failed to explode.

Huang Zhong walked over and briefly introduced the battle situation.

Minister Ziyang nodded slightly, and then saw a figure squatting in the mess who shouldn't be there, and the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly.

"Why is he here?"Minister Ziyang pointed at Qin Feng with glaring eyes.

Huang Zhong and others touched their noses, feeling a little embarrassed.

Qin Feng trotted over and said righteously:"Minister, you have no conscience. I killed a cult warrior at the War King level and saved millions of lives!"

Minister Ziyang and other strong men from various prefectures glared.

A warrior counterattacks the War King?

"Come on, a mid-level general can beat you to a pulp, and you still want to fight the king realm."Minister Ziyang rolled his eyes to the sky.

Then, people came down one after another to deal with it.

The whole battle was basically resolved.

Qin Feng had only one request: Can he stay?

Minister Ziyang and Huang Zhong said kindly: Get out!

Qin Feng looked back every three steps, with a face full of resentment, like a woman in the boudoir.

"never mind!"

"3 square meters is enough."

He felt the changes in the world of breaking through the air, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In this attack by the evil cult warriors, others may have suffered losses, but Qin Feng was the only one who made a profit throughout the whole process!

But now there is a huge problem in front of him.

What should he do in the next game?

Logically speaking, he, who is at the level of a general, can no longer participate in the finals!

"The boat will naturally sink when it reaches the bridgehead. At worst, I can get it back on the list of generals!"

Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders, feeling very relaxed. He had already made a profit this time.

He didn't take the other things to heart.


Qin Feng didn't know how much of a stir his actions had caused in the outside world!

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