Qin Feng really didn't expect it.

His joke was taken seriously by Lu Chao.

This is the final!

Really admit defeat?

At this moment, his face was full of entanglement.

This is equivalent to Lu Chao feeding the food to his mouth.

It seems unreasonable not to eat...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng nodded repeatedly.

Speaking of the distant past, his sister in the Jiangnan Military Hospital is still waiting for him to improve his strength, and then go to the tomb pit to find natural treasures.

Speaking of the near future, Lu Chao is my brother, he took the initiative to propose, how can I refuse?

In summary!

This unreasonable request must be agreed!

【Host, you are a typical example of someone who is a bitch and still wants to be a saint. I despise you on behalf of all readers! 】

After the system finished complaining, a classic big yellow face of contempt appeared in front of Qin Feng, which made Qin Feng frown.

"Go away, what do you know?"

"I can't bear to disappoint Brother Lu's sincere heart!"

"He is sincere, how can I let him down?"

Qin Feng said, and hurriedly stepped forward and held Lu Chao's hand.

"Brother Lu, isn't this inappropriate?"

"After all, neither of them is your opponent."

"With your strength, the championship is definitely in your pocket!"

Lu Chao's strength is obvious to all. No one present, except Qin Feng, dared to say that they could beat him.

Pride is like Leng Song, who dared to agree to Lu Chao's one-on-one challenge before.

Lu Chao was somewhat moved when he heard Qin Feng's words, but before he could speak, Qin Feng's next sentence made him look at a dilemma.

"Of course, if Brother Lu insists, I will accept it with reluctance. After all, the thing I am worst at is rejecting others!"

"We are all brothers, I agree!"

Lu Chao nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

This guy is still the familiar Lao Liu!

At this time, Wang Hou slowly walked forward and said seriously:"Lu Chao, are you sure you want to admit defeat?"

Over the years, no martial arts school has withdrawn from the finals.

Youzhou Martial Arts School is the first.

If it were in the past, it might cause quite a stir.

But today, everyone thinks it is very normal.

And Wang Hou is actually too lazy to care so much.

So many things have happened recently, which makes him a little overwhelmed, and he is too lazy to care about these.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the Magic City Martial Arts Academy.

He just asked according to the rules.

When Lu Chao heard Wang Hou's question, he immediately nodded seriously.

"Yes, Vice Palace Master Wang"

"If it weren't for Qin Feng, we wouldn't even be able to make it to the finals."

"Qin Feng accidentally broke through to the War General Realm in order to deal with the evil cult."

"Although we at Youzhou Wufu want to be number one, we want to be number one in an upright way, not taking advantage of someone’s misfortune."

Lu Chao's words were brilliant, and the audience cheered.

The students from other Wufu couldn't help but stand in awe.

Even the masters from each house nodded secretly.

No matter what, Lu Chao already has the demeanor of a strong man!

With such a student, Youzhou Wufu can be considered to have successors.

【Host, he is quite nice!】

"I don't allow you to give my giegie a nice guy card!"

Qin Feng retorted without hesitation.

This system is public, and it's also weird, it's obvious that it's coveting Brother Lu's body, it's despicable!

Wang Hou nodded, then looked at everyone and said loudly:

"In this case……"


Just then, a loud shout interrupted Wang Hou.

Wang Hou was suddenly interrupted and was a little displeased.

He frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

It was Qin Feng?

In view of Qin Feng's great contribution, Wang Hou could only suppress his unhappiness in his heart and said in a deep voice:"What's wrong with you?"

""Vice Palace Master Wang, please wait a moment. I have something to discuss with our minister."

After saying that, Qin Feng hurriedly ran to Minister Ziyang's side without waiting for Wang Hou's consent, and then smiled.

Minister Ziyang looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled look on his face.

He didn't know what Qin Feng was going to do at this time.

"Minister, if I lead our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to win the national warrior ranking championship, what rewards will I get?"

When Minister Zi Yang heard this, he burst into laughter.

This guy really doesn't do anything without benefits!

Before, he thought he was not qualified to participate in this competition. With Xiao Lingtong and Baili Jian, they were no match for Lu Chao.

Therefore, this guy kept his microphone off the whole time and didn't come to negotiate with him.

But now Lu Chao wants to admit defeat.

He came immediately!

Of course, he was just complaining casually.

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy hasn't won such a good ranking for many years.

In the previous sessions, it didn't even make it into the top three, let alone the first place. Otherwise, after the disappearance of the ten ancient stones, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy would not have been bullied by the martial arts academies.

Therefore, Qin Feng's request for some benefits was nothing to him.

"Originally, when you returned this time, the Wufu would reward the Student Union with a 4th-grade elixir. Now I am in charge, and that 4th-grade elixir belongs to you."

"Moreover, I will personally reward you with a 4th-grade elixir, what do you think?"

Qin Feng immediately smiled.

Originally, he just wanted to get some benefits.

After all, this matter was already set in stone, and he never expected Minister Ziyang to be so generous.

"I think it's possible!"

Qin Feng smiled brightly.

A 2nd-grade elixir, after gambling, it became a 4th-grade elixir.

Two pills at that!

If you go to the Resources Department to exchange it, it will cost at least 2,000 points!

Family members, who knows, gambling is really not something you can touch, it will get addictive!

Then, he turned around and looked at Wang Hou:"I'm fine, you can continue to announce."

At this time, Wang Hou's head was full of black lines.

He is also a palace lord after all... although he is a deputy!

Why does he look like Qin Feng's pony?

If he had known this, Wang Hou would not bother to pay attention to this conspicuous bag!

However, he still calmed down his emotions, then looked at everyone, and said loudly:"Now I announce that the winner of the first place in this national warrior list is - Imperial Capital Martial Mansion!"

Wow - although the audience already knew the result, they couldn't help but cheer excitedly when they heard Wang Hou's announcement.

After so many years, Imperial Capital Martial Mansion has returned to its peak!

Looking back now, the gears of fate began to turn from the moment Qin Feng stepped into the Bird's Nest!

"The literati are the masters, and the warriors dominate!"

""Students of the Imperial Capital, dominate the world!"

In an instant, the cheering group of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy began to shout their slogans.

At this time, Qin Feng's heart was also a little surging. During this period of time, he has had a strong sense of belonging to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

He also feels proud of it!

"Teacher, Master's wife, if you could see this, you would definitely be happy, right?"

Qin Feng suddenly thought of his two teachers.

He clenched his fists, his eyes revealing a resolute look:"It won't be long before I can officially go down to the tomb, and then I will definitely find you!"

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