The National Warrior Ranking has finally come to an end.

Qin Feng and others have also successfully returned to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

This time, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy attaches great importance to Qin Feng's return. Deng Ling personally came to the school gate to greet him.

Following him, there were also a large number of students.

Most of them were freshmen.

There were only some sophomores and juniors who had a bad relationship with the student union.

These people, like Qin Feng, belong to the new school.

So they are naturally full of goodwill towards Qin Feng.

The most eye-catching one is Guan Changsheng.

He was already good friends with Qin Feng. This time, when he heard that Qin Feng had won the championship and returned, he naturally came out to greet him.

"Welcome home."

Deng Ling saw everyone get off the car and hurried to greet them.

Minister Ziyang saw Deng Ling with a complicated look.

He was old school.

Deng Ling and Ananda were new school.

The two sides had different ideas. Although they did not fight, they did not like each other.

But this time, Minister Ziyang took Qin Feng and the other two out and witnessed their performance.

This made him waver in his insistence!

His���Is it right to persist?

Am I too stubborn?

Should I change?

Three philosophical questions!

"Minister Ziyang, thank you for your hard work."

Deng Ling naturally didn't know that Minister Ziyang had thought so much in a split second.

"The mansion master is already waiting for you inside, follow me."

After saying that, Deng Ling took the lead and walked in front.

At this time, Guan Changsheng stroked his beard and came to Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, you really didn't let me down."

Guan Changsheng laughed and patted Qin Feng on the shoulder.

This time, Qin Feng not only led the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to the first place, but also killed a cult warrior at the War King level (although it was not real), which was really a great achievement!

"It's just a piece of cake!"

"I just hate that the other side didn't send enough people!"

After pretending to be so arrogant, Qin Feng immediately praised each other:"If you, Brother Guan, go there, ten War Kings won't be enough to kill!"

Qin Feng was still happy to make friends with Guan Changsheng, a tough guy without a system.

"Ten War Kings are a bit too many."

Guan Changsheng frowned, his expression very serious.

Everyone was stunned.

A bit too many?

What does this mean: Guan Changsheng can fight War Kings?

"By the way, Qin Feng, you have to be careful recently. Duan Nian probably hates you to the core." Guan Changsheng suddenly changed the subject.

Qin Feng was a little confused:"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know that every year, the most generous part of the rewards from the National Warrior Ranking will be distributed to the Student Union, and then the Student Union will distribute it."

"I heard that Minister Ziyang has given you the reward."

"Duan Nian had long been drooling over the 4th-grade elixir, and basically regarded it as something in his pocket."

"But you came out halfway and took away the 4th-grade elixir. What do you think he would think?"

Qin Feng curled his lips in disdain.

Duan Nian is really a dog among dogs. It's ok that he didn't make any contribution, but he also engaged in corruption.

No wonder the student union is so unbearable.

The upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked!

【Oh, host, you are being targeted by a powerful enemy. It seems that you are going to suffer! 】

The system's ridicule came on time.

Qin Feng's forehead was black.

You are a mad donkey, so I am a pockmarked man?

Can't you give me a better role?

【I just like the fact that you can't stand me but can't get rid of me!】

"System, I advise you to learn from your mistakes!"

Qin Feng threw down these harsh words and ignored the system.

He had discovered that this system was crazy!

The more you argue with it, the more excited it gets.

However, Qin Feng felt that it was necessary to deal with Duan Nian.

This guy was the biggest obstacle to reform.

As long as he was dealt with, the reform of the new faction in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House would be much easier.

The most important point!

This guy is so jumpy, he won't admit defeat unless he is beaten!

"I have already broken through to the realm of war generals, and I still have 1,000 points and two 4th-grade pills, which can further improve my strength. It should be no problem to deal with a Duan Nian."

Qin Feng secretly analyzed the strength of both sides.

As an elite Lao Liu, he never fights an unprepared battle!

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

This is a sure win!

【Good luck! This is the first time I've seen someone flag himself before the game even starts!】

【According to my experience, your flag will definitely fall!】

""You're the winner!"

Qin Feng almost couldn't catch his breath and retorted angrily.

At this time, everyone came to the playground.

Duan Nian and others were already waiting on the playground.

Duan Nian locked onto Qin Feng immediately with a cold look in his eyes.

"Yo! How dare you glare at me?!"

Qin Feng glared back without hesitation.

【Host, don't let him and you fall in love! 】

Qin Feng's expression froze.

This made sense!

Then he withdrew his gaze in dismay.……

"Everyone, be quiet."

On the high platform in the front, Ananda's figure appeared silently.

"First of all, congratulations to Qin Feng, Baili Jian and Xiao Lingtong for winning the national warrior championship and bringing glory to our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!"

"I discussed it with Minister Zi Yang and decided to double their reward!"

"Qin Feng has made the greatest contribution, and will receive two 4th-grade elixirs and 1,000 points. The other two will receive a 3rd-grade elixir and 500 points!"

Ananda directly stated the rewards.

Qin Feng already knew about these rewards on the way, and had even received them.

At this moment, Ananda mentioned them again just to motivate everyone.

Sure enough.

Some people's eyes turned red when they heard about these rewards.

Whether it is a 4th-grade elixir or 1,000 points, it is a huge sum of money for them.

Baili Jian is okay.

He is the first on the warrior list and deserves the title.

Qin Feng and Xiao Lingtong are newcomers this year.

They got their wealth of several years in one go, how can they not be jealous!

Duan Nian gritted his teeth.

He stood up with a bang:"I don't……"

Duan Nian just opened his mouth when Qin Feng replied:"What can I do if I don't accept it? Just hold it in!"


"That's right, I'm so insolent, you can't stand me? At this time tomorrow, on the martial arts arena, we'll see who's better!"


"If you don’t answer, I’ll take it as your agreement!"


"No problem, if I lose, I will give you a 4th-grade elixir, and if you lose, you will give me the position of student union president!"

Qin Feng became more and more excited.

His voice spread to every corner of the square.

But... everyone's expression was very complicated!

This picture style is a bit wrong!

It seems that nothing was said in that period!

You made the decision for two people by yourself???

【Host, you have such a dark heart, I refuse to get close to you! 】

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