Duan Nian was even more confused.

I spoke? Is this settled?

Isn't it a bit too fast?

He was stunned for a while, and then he reacted, and a smug smile instantly appeared on his face.

Although he didn't quite understand the development of the matter.

But it didn't stop him from agreeing at all!

He just wanted to teach Qin Feng a lesson.

He was very upset that Qin Feng had escaped many times before.

Now he could beat Qin Feng in public and take back his own 4th-grade elixir, so why not?

"Since you are so ignorant, I will help you."

"I hope you won't kneel down and beg for mercy when I beat you to a pulp tomorrow!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

This guy is so pretentious!

And... can't you update your lines?

They are outdated!

Complaints aside

, Qin Feng knew that Duan Nian was able to become the president of the Student Union, and his strength was not bad. He was now a middle-level general.

This kind of strength was also the top among the students.

Otherwise, the position of the student union president would not be so stable.

Qin Feng was now a primary general.

With a lot of trump cards, he was not afraid of Duan Nian even if they were head-on.

"President Duan, you didn't get the position of student union president by talking big, did you?"

"You are really good at talking, you must have practiced a lot in private!"

Qin Feng said seriously.

The faces of the people present became a little strange.

They always felt that what Qin Feng said was a little strange and not very serious, but they could not find any evidence.

【A speed racing master like you must have great driving skills, and you can reach 280 miles per hour! 】

Qin Feng usually ignores the system's complaints.

He looked at Duan Nian.

Obviously, Duan Nian understood this very well.

A trace of anger suddenly appeared on his face, and he pointed at Qin Feng and cursed:"Bullshit!"


Qin Feng suddenly covered his nose and took a few steps back in disgust:"No wonder I feel so smelly!"

Everyone laughed when they saw his action.

This is a great move!

Those who fart, always fart!

Ananda saw this scene and his head was already full of black lines.

A good commendation meeting was turned into this by Qin Feng.


"Since you two agree to this decisive battle, then you should come here at this time tomorrow."

"When the time comes, I will come and testify for you personally."

Ananda looked at the two of them, his voice revealing a hint of majesty.

Then, he looked at everyone and spoke slowly:

"I called you here today because I have another announcement to make."

"From today on, all students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy who have not entered the tomb must go in!"

"But don't worry, the first time you go in, you don't need to kill the enemies, you just need to get used to the atmosphere inside."

""Open your eyes and see what the scene is like inside!"

Ananda did not have too many requirements.

Because he felt that anyone with human blood would be furious after entering.

How many predecessors had shed their blood in there!

And they were enjoying it silently behind the scenes!

Can they really feel at ease?

Ananda's words immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

You know, before, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy would not force students to go down to the tomb.

Although reforms have begun, they feel that reforms will take some time.

Now such news is suddenly released!

How can those old-school students accept it!

"This is not appropriate.……"

Minister Ziyang hesitated for a moment, but still stood up and spoke.

He is a representative of the old school. He must stand up at this time.

"Nothing is inappropriate"

"Minister Ziyang, this time, you went out with Qin Feng and the others. You know what they did."

"Now I ask you to think about it, if Qin Feng is like those old school disciples"

"Do you think he could have survived those attacks?"

"The students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy can no longer be flowers in a greenhouse!"

Minister Ziyang frowned.

It was indeed as Ananda said.

If it was not Qin Feng who attacked this time, anyone else would have a very low chance of survival, even a general like Duan Nian!

But as the leader of the old school, Minister Ziyang could not change his mind just because of Ananda's words.

In his opinion, the reason why Qin Feng was outstanding was not because he was old school or new school.

It was because he was a person who really did not follow the ordinary path and could not be defined by normal people's ideas.

""Master, I think we should reconsider this matter."

Hearing this, Ananda sighed in his heart.

He originally thought that Minister Ziyang admired Qin Feng so much, and thought that he could strike while the iron is hot and reverse the situation of the New School in one fell swoop.

Now it seems that he is still thinking too beautifully!

"In this case, let Qin Feng and Duan Nian solve this matter."

"If Qin Feng wins tomorrow, then do as I say."

"If Duan Nian wins, this matter will be put on hold for the time being, what do you think?"

Ananda's proposal is not bad.

Duan Nian is the president of the student union.

He is also a typical representative of the old school.

Qin Feng is the undisputed representative of the new school.

The representatives of the two factions duel, and the winner determines the future direction.

This is simply too reasonable.

Minister Ziyang thought about it for a while and agreed.

In his opinion, Qin Feng is very strong, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Duan Nian, but now, he is definitely not Duan Nian's opponent.

Duan Nian is a middle-level warrior.

Qin Feng is just entering the warrior realm. The difference between the two is more than 2,000 in terms of blood value!

Unlike many people who are worried.

When Qin Feng heard that he was going to the tomb pit, his eyes flashed with a strange light.

【Host, the tomb is very dangerous, I advise you to use your iPhone!】

"iPhone fuck!"

Qin Feng immediately retorted:"Only there can we find the treasures that can save Xue'er. I will go to the grave pit no matter what, even if Jesus comes!"

As Ananda and Minister Ziyang reached a consensus, the commendation meeting ended.

When Qin Feng was about to leave, Deng Ling stopped him and took him to Ananda's office.

""Master, what do you want to see me for?"

Qin Feng didn't consider himself an outsider at all. He sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.

Ananda saw Qin Feng's familiar look and his expression became complicated.

This guy is too unruly!

If he didn't have to play tomorrow, he would know who is the boss of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion today!

Seeing Ananda staring at him, Qin Feng hurriedly handed the teacup to Ananda:"Master, I poured this tea specially for you. The temperature, tea fragrance and color are just right. Come on, take a sip!"


Ananda shook his head in disdain.

Immediately, his face straightened and he said earnestly:"Don't play tricks on me. How confident are you in the duel with Duan Nian tomorrow?"

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