When Qin Feng heard this, he suddenly raised his head.

Then... he showed a bitter face, sat on the sofa, lowered his head, and said miserably:"Master, I am miserable~~~~~"

"You know, my family is not well off, and I have a sick sister at home!"

"My cultivation resources are all saved and squeezed out from between my teeth!"

"After arriving at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, both teachers disappeared, and I became an unwanted child again."

"There are no cultivation resources at all!"

Qin Feng squeezed out two crocodile tears from his eyes when he said this.

It is really sad and tearful to hear it!

Even a dog would shake its head after hearing this.

"That...that damn Duannian!"

"As the president of the student union, he not only didn't care about me, a poor but hardworking and motivated young man!"

"I actually coveted the reward of the national warrior champion that I won after surviving a lot of hardships and leading my classmates."

"I have shed blood for Wufu! I have fought for Wufu!"

"Master, it doesn't matter if I suffer injustice alone, but you must not let other students feel disappointed!"

"That's why I challenged Duan Nian without knowing my own limitations."

"If you ask me if I am sure, the answer is no, not at all!"

"But I will definitely fight to the end!"

【Eating melon seeds!】

【Host, continue, don't stop! Your acting skills will definitely kill those young handsome guys in seconds! 】

Qin Feng had no time to pay attention to the system's ridicule.

He grabbed Ananda's trouser legs and cried wildly!

Emmm... and blew his nose by the way!

As a sixth-rate person, how could he give up such an opportunity to make money.

At this time, Ananda wanted to slap himself twice.

But he wanted to slap the ultimate sixth-rate person in front of him to death.

He regretted why he asked such a question.

If Qin Feng didn't hit the snake with a stick, he would not be Qin Feng!

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Ananda didn't bother beating around the bush and asked directly.

"I know that the Lord will not treat me unfairly."

"Actually, my requirements are not high. Just let me practice in the Earth Essence Training Room for an hour or two."

"Isn’t this request too high?"

【Host, it turns out that you are a tiny little bird!】

""Go, go, take it out and scare you to death!"

Qin Feng retorted.

Ananda was silent for a moment when he heard Qin Feng's request, and just stared at Qin Feng.

At first, Qin Feng didn't care at all.

But Ananda kept staring at him.

This made him feel a little bit scared.

"How about half an hour?"

Qin Feng cautiously tested.

This time, Ananda finally made a move.

He stretched out a finger and pointed to one side.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up:"Master, are you asking me to go quickly?"


"Don't force me to beat you up!"

Ananda glared at Qin Feng.

This guy was really nice to him!

He asked him to make a request, but he asked for a huge amount!

Practicing in the Earth Essence Room for an hour or two?

He thought of that.

Even Ananda himself didn't dare to be so extravagant!

It would consume too much!

Not to mention, Qin Feng was a big eater!

Qin Feng heard this, chuckled twice, and took two steps back:"How about ten minutes?" As soon as he finished speaking,

Ananda grabbed the teapot on the table and threw it at Qin Feng without hesitation.

Qin Feng immediately ran away without looking back.

"If you don't want to give it to me, then don't give it to me. Why are you doing this? You are so stingy!"

Qin Feng yelled.

Then he heard the noise coming from inside again and ran away.

"This guy……"

Looking at Qin Feng's departing back, Ananda was suddenly at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

This time, Qin Feng had made great contributions, but he had already been rewarded.

Even if he was the lord of the mansion, he couldn't be so blatantly partial.

Otherwise, the old school would probably explode directly!

He called Qin Feng here this time just to see how confident Qin Feng was.

Now it seems.

This guy is obviously not the one who will suffer losses, he should be confident

"As long as you can win, I will never be stingy!"

"I hope you won't let me down.……"

Let all students go to the grave.

This is an important step in the reform and must be carried out.

The duel between Qin Feng and Duan Nian is very crucial.

As long as Qin Feng wins.

The reform will advance to a new step!

Qin Feng left Ananda's office and immediately found Guan Tao.

"Qin Feng, how can you challenge Duan Nian?" Guan Tao sighed directly when he saw Qin Feng.

Obviously, he also felt that Qin Feng was not Duan Nian's opponent.

The difference in Qi and blood value cannot be made up by talent.

What's more, Duan Nian also has many trump cards!

Guan Tao didn't want to see Qin Feng get into trouble.

This has nothing to do with reform.

Once Qin Feng got into trouble, what would happen to his sick sister at home?

"Brother, you also know my situation.

Qin Feng sighed.

"I live frugally every day, and I wish I could split one resource into two"

"Everything I did was just to heal my sister."

"But Duan Nian is going too far. He is stealing my resources and my rewards. He is killing my hope of curing my sister!"

"Do you think I can endure such a thing?"

Guan Tao immediately said with blood boiling:"No!"

"Then brother, are you willing to help me?"Qin Feng looked at Guan Tao with his big, shining eyes.

"You said, as long as I can help you, I will do my best!" Guan Tao felt that Qin Feng 's life was really not easy! He had a poor family background and was targeted by others! The damn God was too much! The damn Duan Nian was even more excessive! He must do something to help Qin Feng!

【Fortunately, host, you did not go to northern Myanmar to commit fraud, otherwise, not to mention Blue Star, all the tribes in the Tomb Pit would be cheated by you!】

"Ugh! What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Guan Tao is my good brother, I would stand by him at all costs!"

【I think so���Just stab him twice! 】

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and ignored the system.

"That's it……"

"Can you help me find out some information about Duan Nian?"

Qin Feng is very confident that he can deal with Duan Nian.

But as a qualified Lao Liu, he must be fully prepared.

The most important point!

He doesn't want Duan Nian to lose so easily! He has been unhappy with this guy for a long time!

Now that he has a chance, he must ruthlessly ravage him!

(This ravage is not that ravage, if you think it's wrong, get out of here and face the wall!)

"Is that all? Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Guan Tao patted his chest and agreed.

Not long after,

Qin Feng got the information he wanted.

"I didn't expect that Duan Nian actually had the habit of drinking afternoon tea. He is really a delicate pig boy."

"This is a good habit, very good!"

"You will soon be able to taste my special afternoon tea!"

Qin Feng laughed.

He stepped forward, turned, and headed straight for the back mountain!

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