Imperial Capital Wufu, back mountain.

This was not the first time Qin Feng came here.

So he found the Snake and Rat Nest Tree with ease.

Seeing the familiar strange fruit again, Qin Feng still couldn't help but marvel at it.

This is a big treasure!

【Extraction successful】

【Obtained: Snake Rat Tongchang Fruit Essence]

Looking at the yellow viscous liquid, Qin Feng showed a wicked smile

【Host, your smile is so obscene, be careful that you may not be able to find a girlfriend in the future!】


""System, hurry up and say 'Puh, Puh, Puh!' I advise you to be kind and not curse me!"

Qin Feng suddenly became anxious.

Are you kidding me about the sexual happiness of his lower body?

How could he tolerate this!


The system is still the system. It snorted proudly and continued to play dead.

Qin Feng didn't want to make trouble for himself.

He also planned to process the rhubarb water.

His master's wife had trained him in this aspect before.

Qin Feng couldn't use the most original rhubarb water as before.

Although the original rhubarb water is very effective.

But if you want to trick others, the effect is still a little worse.

After all, as long as others are not fools, they will definitely not eat that yellow viscous liquid.

Summary: It's not good! (Business language here)

After some processing.

The rhubarb water is brand new!

Colorless, tasteless, similar to mineral water.

But the effect is even better.

"I would like to call you the Big Yellow Water Plus!"

Qin Feng picked up the transparent liquid in his hand and laughed again.

Then, he carefully put the Big Yellow Water Plus into the air break.

As the creator of the Big Yellow Water, Qin Feng knew its power!

Just a little bit of it! You will become a jet fighter on the spot!

"Xiao Nianzi, you are so lucky~"

Qin Feng grinned, and then fell asleep contentedly.

The next day, in the afternoon.

It was less than an hour before Qin Feng and Duan Nian's duel.

Qin Feng looked at the time.

There were still 10 minutes before Duan Nian's afternoon tea.

He immediately performed the earth fusion and quietly came to Duan Nian's office.

"The office of a student union president is bigger than that of the instructor."

""Corruption, corruption!"

Qin Feng kept shaking his head.

But when he thought that this office would soon belong to him, he suddenly felt that... a bigger one would be good too!

Men like big ones!

At this time, Qin Feng noticed that a beautifully dressed girl walked in with a dinner plate.

After a while, the girl came out.

Qin Feng immediately sneaked to the door of the office. Bang, bang, bang!

Qin Feng knocked on the door of the office.

At this time, Duan Nian had just picked up the black tea.

Hearing the knock on the door, he couldn't help frowning.

Because he has a habit of not liking to be disturbed by others when having afternoon tea.

Duan Nian subconsciously wanted to ignore it.

However, the knock on the door seemed a little hurried, as if there was something urgent.

So he suppressed his unhappiness and shouted at the door:"Who? Come in!"

Qin Feng ignored it and continued to knock on the door. Of course

, he couldn't swagger in.

After all, Duan Nian is not a fool. If he really saw him swaggering in, he would definitely know that there was a fraud.

Duan Nian saw that the knock on the door had not stopped, and he was suddenly a little confused.

"Did Xiaolian close the door when she went out?"

Thinking of this, Duan Nian stood up and walked towards the door.

"Stop knocking, I'm coming."

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction and stopped knocking immediately.

Then, he sneaked into the ground again and entered Duan Nian's office at the fastest speed.

Duan Nian opened the office door and did not see anyone.

He subconsciously leaned out of the door and looked left and right, but still did not see anyone.


He turned his head and looked behind him.

The whole person tensed up, like a wolf ready to attack.

However, there was nothing behind him.

"Am I overthinking it?"

Duan Nian looked a little puzzled.

What he didn't know was that the moment he opened the door, Qin Feng had already poured the Rhubarb Water Plus version into the cup of black tea.

"Although I have 100% confidence in defeating Qin Feng, this battle is of great importance, and even I will be a little nervous."Duan Nian murmured to himself.

After returning to the office, he picked up the black tea and took a sip.

This scene was all seen by Qin Feng.

After seeing Duan Nian drink the black tea, he left with peace of mind.

There were less than 10 minutes before the final battle between the two.

Many people had gathered on the playground.

From freshmen to tutors and professors, even the cleaning lady came. It was a sea of people.

Ananda and Minister Ziyang were not present, but they were also observing secretly.

After all, the winner and loser of this battle will be related to whether the reform can be pushed forward.

The two The big guys of the faction naturally care a lot.

Wow - there was a commotion on the playground.

Duan Nian came over.

He was wearing a pure white training suit, which made him look very elegant.

Many female students showed starry eyes.

In their eyes, Duan Nian was so handsome.

He was rich and powerful, just like the prince charming in their hearts.

Duan Nian ignored the screams of those girls.

He had been used to it for so many years.

He looked around, looking for Qin Feng.

He thought he was the last to appear, but he didn't expect that Qin Feng hadn't come yet.

"Where's Qin Feng? Isn't he afraid to come?"

Although he didn't find Qin Feng, Duan Nian still saw Baili Jian and the little spirit boy.


"Donor Duan, please be patient."

"When the time comes, the monk will naturally come on stage."

The little boy put his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name.

His mind couldn't help but think of 10 minutes ago.

He and Baili Jian went to find Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was lying in the dormitory, eating popsicles, and said that the protagonists always appear last, and it would be cheap to go too early!

Then, Qin Feng turned over and started to swipe slowly.

The little boy didn't understand this behavior, but he vaguely felt that it made sense!

"I want to see what tricks he is going to play."

Duan Nian snorted coldly.

He didn't care what tricks Qin Feng was going to play.

He would win this battle!

In the face of absolute strength, any means would seem pale and powerless!

Fortunately, today was a school competition! Otherwise

, he would definitely make Qin Feng bleed on the spot!

The prestige of the student union was damaged again and again by Qin Feng!

Continue to use Qin Feng as a sacrifice!

"Qin Feng, you are done today!"

"I have prepared countless means and killer moves, and I will definitely let you taste the feeling of being stepped on by others!"

While thinking, Duan Nian looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

He thought of a line: The goddess of victory is calling!

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