"Master Qin, are you sure you want to do this?"

Abbot Zhixi looked at Qin Feng with a slightly strange expression.

"As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who will?" Qin Feng stared at Abbot Zhixi with a compassionate expression.

"The situation of the tomb pit is now precarious, and the reform of the Imperial Capital Wufu is imminent"

"It would be best if we could win this battle without fighting!"

"After all, we are all classmates, and it is not appropriate to fight with weapons."

Qin Feng said with compassion on his face, which made people cry!

【You bastard, you almost fooled yourself! 】

The system taunted again without mercy.

"What are you talking about! I am sincere, okay?" Qin Feng retorted speechlessly.

Emmmm, it is sincere to cheat people, but it is also sincere!

This wave is very beaver!

Abbot Zhixi showed a solemn expression on his face.


"Great monk Qin is very kind! I am obsessed with this!"

"In this case, I will send Mr. Qin off." Abbot

Zhixi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The eminent monk is indeed an eminent monk.

Even when he pretends to be cool, he does so out of righteousness!

Abbot Zhixi said: I have learned another trick today!

"If so, then it couldn't be more appropriate."

""Let's go without further ado!"

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

You know, Abbot Zhixi is in the battle demon realm.

If he takes action, it will naturally be very powerful! At this time, on the playground. There is only one minute left before the battle.

"I think Qin Feng just doesn't dare to come. He's just a coward!"

"With such a huge difference in Qi and HP, he can only talk big. If they really fight, he will probably be killed instantly!"

"This battle is over, everyone go home!"

Lin Kong and the others crossed their arms and mocked loudly without holding back.

At this time, Guan Changsheng also came, and his beautiful phoenix eyes glanced at Lin Kong and the others:"You are a traitor, how dare you speak nonsense here?"


Lin Kong was immediately furious.

But when he thought about it, Guan Changsheng could defeat him in one move when he was a warrior.

Moreover, Guan Changsheng was now a general.

Even Duan Nian didn't dare to provoke Guan Changsheng.

So, he was very tactful and shut up.

"No matter what you say, as long as the time is up, if Qin Feng hasn't come on stage, he will naturally admit defeat."Cheng Ying said coldly.

Guan Changsheng glanced at Cheng Ying and said nothing.

He didn't care about women.

As for Qin Feng's retreat and escape?

Guan Changsheng naturally didn't believe it.

Time passed by. It was almost the agreed time.

Faintly, some new school students began to feel weak.

"Qin Feng wouldn't really run away from the battlefield, right?"

"I think so. After all, Duan Nian is a mid-level general, and Qin Feng has just been promoted to a junior general."

"If you can't win, just admit defeat. What's the point of not coming at all?"

"You still want to reform? I think it’s better to stick to the old rules!"

Qin Feng is the leader of the new faction after all.

If even he deserts, others will naturally lose confidence.

Ananda and Minister Ziyang, who were observing in secret, also felt strange.

They naturally didn't think that Qin Feng deserted.

But Qin Feng hasn't come yet...

Is something wrong?

The last 20 seconds!

Duan Nian looked at Deng Ling, the referee, and said coldly:"Master Deng, if the time is up and Qin Feng hasn't come, does that mean he has admitted defeat?"

Deng Ling showed a helpless expression.

Although he is a member of the new faction.

But in front of so many people, he can't favor Qin Feng.

He nodded,"Yes!"

"There are 10 seconds left. If Qin Feng doesn't come, he will be judged as a loser."




Deng Ling counted down with an expressionless face.

In fact, he was extremely anxious!

Not only him, but also the teachers and students throughout the process were worried!

"Look! There seems to be something flying in the sky!"

"It looks like a big bird!"

Just then, there were bursts of exclamations from the playground.

The exclamations attracted everyone's attention and they all looked up at the sky.

The teachers and students above the War Wai Realm pulled their mouths together in tacit understanding.

This... this is not a big bird at all!

It is clearly Abbot Zhixi and Qin Feng!

"Senior brother is really something. He is so old, but he still fools around with Qin Feng."

Ananda closed his eyes in some pain.

But he couldn't do anything!

The students are his.

The senior brother is also his.

He can only spoil him!

""Master Deng... count down quickly!"

Duan Nian didn't have time to pay attention to the big bird.

He wanted to end this farce quickly and humiliate Qin Feng.

"No need."

Deng Ling came back to his senses and said lightly.

Although the matter in front of him was very strange, he still had to maintain the dignity of the deputy palace master!

Are you kidding? I'm a professional! I can hold back my laughter in general situations!

"why is that?"

""Master Deng, you can't openly favor Qin Feng just because you are a member of the new school!"

Duan Nian suddenly became anxious.

If Deng Ling wanted to favor Qin Feng, he would be the first one to disagree.

""Do you know what you are saying?" Deng Ling looked at Duan Nian coldly.

Duan Nian felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave.

Deng Ling was a strong man in the War Demon Realm after all.

His aura made Duan Nian feel the threat of death.

""I'm sorry, Lord Deng, I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said."

After Duan Nian said this, he felt his whole body relax and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But in his heart, he already hated Deng Ling.

"I said no, because he... is already here." Deng Ling explained lightly.

Duan Nian was a little confused:"Here? Where?""

"Look up, look at the sky!"

With Deng Ling's words, everyone looked up at the sky again.

"Look up at the sky!"

"What the hell is this!?"

At this time, the black spot in the sky was getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone gradually discovered that it was not a big bird at all.

It was a person. It was Qin Feng who came late.

He was seen slowly floating down from the sky, emitting a faint golden light around him, just like Tiga who got the flashlights from all over the world to charge, except for an exclusive BGM!

"Holding the sun and moon, picking the stars"

"There is no one like me in the world!"

A faint voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Qin Feng landed steadily, with a pair of glowing eyes that belonged to the protagonist, looking coldly at Duan Nian:"Duan Nian, are you ready to lose?""



This guy is still good at playing!

Everyone felt like a crow flew over their heads, and they were speechless.

The finale! It fell from the sky!

What, do you want to pretend to be all the bluffs of the Imperial Capital Academy for a year?

The key is...

It's okay for you to fool around alone.

There are actually strong people in the War Demon Realm to accompany him to fool around!

This makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable!

You know, it's impossible to get five people to play together on weekdays, let alone a master to play with!

(This companionship is free!)

【There was a loud bang in the sky, and Laozi made a grand appearance!】

【Host, you understand the effect of the show! 】

Qin Feng burst into tears when he heard this.

It's been almost a year!

You finally stopped complaining!

Really, I'm crying!

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