Duan Nian threw down a sentence and rushed down the stage.

In this regard, the crowd did not stop him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan Nian was under a lot of pressure.

They were also under a lot of pressure!

After all, once Duan Nian's defense was broken, wouldn't they have to... cough cough cough, the following content is not suitable for children, nor for adults!

"Does this count as my win?"

Qin Feng looked at Deng Ling, who had long since hidden aside, and asked

"Of course!"

Deng Ling nodded.

After that, he also slipped away.

He didn't want to stay even a second longer!

【Congratulations host, you defeated Splatoon, this is really a great achievement!】

"Shut up!"

Qin Feng was speechless.

It was obviously a good thing, but how come it became distorted when it came into the mouth of the system.

At this time, Ananda quietly appeared on the high platform.

At this time, he was full of black lines.

He could never have thought that Qin Feng won the victory in this way.

To be honest.

If he had a choice, he would rather not show up.

Well, there is still a smell of the New Year in the air!

"Since Qin Feng won, the students who have not been to the grave pit will gather at the school gate tomorrow morning."Ananda disappeared after saying this.

His meaning was already very clear.

Prepare to take those students who have not been to the grave pit to go to the grave pit once!

Suddenly, the playground was filled with wailing.

Some people even began to scold Duan Nian.

They felt that it was because Duan Nian was too useless that they had to go to the grave pit!

Qin Feng was very excited.

Finally, I went to the grave pit!

My big shovel has been thirsty for a long time!

"Xiaoxue, you are getting closer and closer to returning to normal!"

After Qin Feng said a few words to Guan Changsheng and others, he left.

They will go to the tomb pit tomorrow.

He needs to further improve his strength.

In any case, the tomb pit is still very dangerous.

Only when you are strong can you have a chance to survive.

Only by surviving can you get more natural treasures!

Then, Qin Feng went to the Resources Department.

1,000 points were exchanged for 40 second-grade pills - Elephant Clam Pills.

25 points per pill, it is not expensive.

If you put it outside, you can only buy it with money, and the price is at least 20W.

In his opinion, if the points are not spent, it is a waste.

Only when you use them, it is considered a profit!

Back to the residence.

Qin Feng began to extract the Elephant Clam Pill

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 30 points of health!】

【Obtained: 32 points of Qi and Blood! 】

40 elephant clam pills were quickly extracted.

A total of 1212 points of Qi and Blood were obtained.

However, Qin Feng did not use it to improve his realm without thinking, but used it to temper his bones.

He is now in the realm of war generals, and can use Qi and blood to temper his bones, making them as hard as iron.

Reach the level of iron skin and steel bones.

However, Qin Feng is not satisfied with this.

The War General Realm must be tempered into golden bones to be considered the peak.

Just like the silver armor of the Warrior Realm.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Qin Feng was absorbing the Qi and Blood frantically.

A trace of golden light began to reveal his body.

As the blood Qi value continued to increase, the golden light on his body became stronger.


Qin Feng suddenly felt a hint of warmth in his chest.

He looked down.

The relic was releasing energy, as if to help him.

Seeing this, Qin Feng directly took out the two 4th-grade pills-Thunder Essence Pills.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: 1500 health points!】

【Obtained: 1800 points of Qi and Health! 】

Qin Feng began to absorb frantically.

At this time, the golden light on his body began to retreat.

Finally, it was all hidden deep inside his body.


Qin Feng exhaled a breath of turbid air and smiled.

All the resources on hand were used up.

The golden bone was finally made!

You know, it is almost impossible for ordinary warriors to successfully temper the golden bone. At most, they can only temper a part of it. Only those strong people with rich family backgrounds can afford to temper it completely.

And that will take several years, or even ten years!

On the other hand, Qin Feng.

He only took a few hours!

Not only that...

Qin Feng himself didn't notice that there was a trace of glazed gold light deep in his bones!

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 4356】

【Realm: Primary General Realm】

【Talents: Infinite Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-level Superman System), Power Accumulation (C-level Superman System), Breaking the Air (S-level Element System, comparable to SSS-level)]

This time, the HP value did not increase much.

But Qin Feng felt that he could beat him now.

Especially in terms of defense, it was much stronger than before.

"Refining gold bones is just like tempering silver armor. They are both part of the process of laying the foundation. The more solid the foundation, the higher the degree of improvement will be later."

"Besides, if the defense is strong enough, the chance of survival is greater."

Qin Feng stood up slowly.

At this time, it was bright outside.

It was already the second day.

After a simple wash, Qin Feng came to the school gate.

At this time, many people had gathered, most of them were freshmen.

However, there were also many sophomores and juniors.

There were even some seniors.

Qin Feng shook his head when he saw this scene.

If it were in other martial arts schools, freshmen would go to the grave, not to mention sophomores and juniors.

No wonder Ananda was so eager to reform after he took office.

If there is no reform, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School will be rotten to the core!

The current achievements of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School were all fought in the grave.

The current students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School have never even been to the grave.

No wonder they are laughed at and criticized!

"Everyone is here."

Deng Ling glanced at everyone and said in a serious tone,"Let's go!"

The buses were ready.

Each bus had a mentor.

Training is training, but safety must be guaranteed.

Not far away,

Ananda watched the group of students leave.

""Master, is this really okay?"

Minister Ziyang stood in front of Ananda, his tone revealing a hint of reluctance.

His loyalty to the Imperial Capital Martial Palace was beyond doubt.

However, he still felt that it was too fast.

"Minister Ziyang, among all the candidates, I am not the most suitable candidate for the position of the Palace Master."

"But the Lord of Daozun Palace chose me. Do you know why?

Minister Ziyang was stunned for a moment.

He really hadn't thought about these things carefully.

"Because he knows I will reform!"

"The Lord of Daozun Palace knows it better than anyone else that if there is no reform, sooner or later the Imperial Capital Martial Palace will be forgotten by everyone!"

"But he couldn't bear it."

"In that case, let me be the bad guy!"

After saying this, Ananda turned and left.

Only Minister Ziyang was left standing there, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

On the other side, everyone came to the tomb pit smoothly.

The last time in the Magic City, the evil cult was seriously injured, so the evil cult has been much more low-key during this period.

Qin Feng got out of the car.

There was a military restricted area in front of him.

There were layers of thick walls around it, which made it impenetrable. Naturally, there were no residents around, and it was bare, as if they had come to a doomsday land, without even a trace of life.

"If the foreign races in the tomb pit invade in large numbers, this will be the last line of defense."

Deng Ling spoke slowly.

Not only him, but all the instructors' eyes changed.

There was a trace of seriousness and determination!

This is a military forbidden area. It is also a burial place.

Because, when that day comes, not only will countless foreign corpses be buried, but they will also be buried!

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