"Go in."

Deng Ling said calmly.

When entering the military district gate, everyone's ID was checked, even Deng Ling.

"Don't feel bothered, after all, this is a serious matter"

"If someone with ulterior motives sneaks in, it will be troublesome."

Deng Ling explained patiently as he walked.

This is to prevent evil cults from sneaking in.

This place is too important.

No mistakes are allowed.

Everyone was a little impatient at first, but after hearing this, they immediately threw away the emotion.

As soon as they stepped into the military restricted area, they felt a solemn atmosphere. For a moment, they all showed solemn expressions.

"Although you don't want to, you will eventually take this step"

"In this military restricted area, you will have three days of intensive study."

"The content of the study is naturally related to the tomb pit."

Deng Ling glanced at everyone, his voice still calm.

"Why don't you study in school? Why do you have to come here?" Someone immediately raised his inner doubts.

"Good question"

"That’s because we have the best teachers here!"

"Only here can you learn more."

"Because there are many things that you can't learn in the classroom, in the academy, or in the city."

Deng Ling's tone suddenly became serious.

In the martial arts academy, he can teach all kinds of knowledge and martial arts.

But he can't teach everyone what responsibility and commitment are.

So this is why he and Ananda want to arrange everyone here to learn about tomb pit knowledge.

"Teachers, we are here."

As soon as Deng Ling finished speaking, several figures came over from afar.

Qin Feng naturally noticed these figures, and he couldn't help but frowned.

Because some of these people had a broken hand, some were blinded in one eye, and some had a broken leg.

Qin Feng noticed it, and the other students naturally noticed it too, and they began to discuss it.

However, Qin Feng did not join the discussion.

He thought of a possibility, and he couldn't help but respect it.


Deng Ling shouted, looking at everyone coldly.

With his cultivation, he naturally heard what everyone was talking about.

"Do you think you are noble?"

Deng Ling's face was cold, and he pointed at those people.

"They! They were once the geniuses of various martial arts schools just like you!"

"They! Were no worse than you!"

"But they want you, the younger generation, to have a peaceful and comfortable environment."

"He threw himself into the tomb without hesitation to deal with those foreigners!"

"The wounds on their bodies were all left after fighting with those foreign races!"

"You are now here enjoying the wonderful life they bring you, and yet you dare to talk about them like this?"

"Do you have the qualifications?"

Everyone was silent.

Some even lowered their heads in shame.

"Hehe, Lord Deng, don't scare these juniors."

At this moment, the man with one arm missing came over and looked at Deng Ling.

Deng Ling saw him and his expression eased.

"Liu Qi, how are you doing recently?"

"Fortunately, thank you for your concern."

Liu Qi smiled slightly.

He was originally a member of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy and came here after graduation.

So he also knew Deng Ling, and was very familiar with him.

"This time... how come there are so many people, and they are all warriors?" Liu Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at Deng Ling in confusion.

He didn't know that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy had undergone reforms, so he was quite curious.

You know, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy almost never lets students enter the tomb pit.

Deng Ling started to explain, and Liu Qi suddenly understood.

After the brutal war, he knew the teaching malpractices of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

But as a member of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, it was obviously difficult for him to say much.

To put it bluntly...

This tomb pit in the Imperial Capital has buried far more students from other martial arts academies than the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!

"Dear juniors, there is not much I can teach you. I only want to tell you one thing: live."

"Only by staying alive can you protect more people."

"When facing foreign races, don't be soft-hearted. If they don't die, you will die."

Liu Qi took a deep breath and spoke solemnly.

Everyone was speechless.

This was the second time they heard such words.

Here, death is never special.

In fact, it is the main theme!


The three-day study ended quickly.

During this time, everyone had a general understanding of the tomb pits.

There are hundreds of tomb pits on the blue planet.

With the conquest of mankind, many of the hundreds of tomb pits have been destroyed.

Now there are only 72 left.

Among them, there are 53 in the Chinese Dragon Country.

The tomb pit in front of us is numbered 007, representing the seventh tomb pit discovered.

As soon as the sky was bright,

Qin Feng gathered with everyone.

He defeated Duan Nian and officially became the president of the Student Union.

(Dahuangshui is my unique killer move, and I defeated Duan Nian in an upright manner!)

""Has Lord Deng arrived?"

Qin Feng didn't see Deng Ling, so he asked.

【Tathagata! 】

Qin Feng: ???

"System, are you polite?"

【Did you come or not? Tathagata!】

"You have learned to ask and answer questions by yourself? Six!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and ignored the system.

He felt that this crappy system could chat with itself all day long!

"Could it be that the system was too boring these days, and drank too much raw cola from a certain island country, and the binzhou turned into a propeller?"

While complaining, Deng Ling came late.

He saw that everyone was there, so he led everyone to an underground passage.

This place was also heavily guarded.

For the arrival of Qin Feng and others, the soldiers looked respectful.

To Qin Feng's surprise, Liu Qi and others were also here.

"Don't let us become disabled. Going into the grave would be a burden to our comrades."

"So we are here to guard the gate. If those foreigners rush out, we can die with them."

Liu Qi saw the confusion of the crowd and explained with a little self-mockery.

However, no one laughed.

The most ordinary words contain the most selfless and innocent heart!

Everyone can only stand in awe!

""Go in, but according to the rules, we have to check your ID."

Liu Qi was very casual.

He waved his hand and asked everyone to take out their IDs.

After checking everyone's IDs, Liu Qi asked someone to open the door.

Deng Ling led everyone in.

""May the military fortune flourish!"

At this time, Liu Qi led the soldiers to shout.

Deng Ling stopped and looked back with everyone else.

""May your military fortune flourish!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

At this moment, everyone felt their blood boiling!

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