The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 61 Liquid Nano Suit! [2 More Subscriptions Required! 】

Nanotechnology is amazing enough in itself.

Now it appeared in the earthquake again, bringing visual effects beyond imagination, saving so many people with the fastest efficiency, and the sound of exclamation alone has continued without interruption!

And the whole process was recorded by the camera, and broadcasted to the eyes of the whole Chinese people through the live broadcast... The government and the military have such a keen sense of smell, how could it be possible not to notice the abnormality of this technology?

"I'm afraid that not only the Chinese government and the military, but even the governments of other countries will be eyeing me!"

"It seems that my fame will soon reach the ears of those presidents. At that time, it will depend on who is the first to lose their temper and want to trouble me... It's okay to return It's been so long since I've been in the main universe, and I haven't issued a killing ring yet!"

The corner of Su Yan's mouth twitched.

He is not worried about the Huaxia government and military.

Huaxia generally has a soft policy, plus Su Yan is from Huaxia and has the relationship with Mr. Tang, so they will not do anything radical to Su Yan at all.

But those gringos who never give up until they achieve their goals!

When I was in the Marvel Universe, Su Yan has already experienced the tough methods of those so-called developed countries... They have hundreds of ways to find you through various channels and make you hand over your secret!

Su Yan has experienced it before!

The final result is that Su Yan's killing made the country's president terrified, and even gave up his position as president!

In the main universe, Su Yan believes that people may be different, but human nature, especially the pursuit of interests, is absolutely the same!

If these guys really intend to use force.

Naturally, Su Yan will not show mercy!

He destroys billions of lives in an entire galaxy with a snap of his fingers without blinking his eyes. Will he be merciful when dealing with spies and secret agents in a few countries? Don't be kidding!

"However... just in case, I still have to get some other technology ||!"

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

Once a good thing is exposed, especially a seemingly "unarmed" person like Su Yan, he will definitely become a target of plunder!

Given that he currently possesses nanotechnology, there is no need to worry about this kind of thing...but just in case!

What if those guys are frantic and don't plan to snatch or negotiate, but choose to destroy it directly?

There is a good chance this could happen!

If you can't get it yourself, you will never let other countries or other opponents keep it, add hidden dangers to yourself, and try to kill this threat in the cradle!

This is an idea that many big countries have, and some big countries have even done similar things!

And at that time, even though Su Yan has nanotechnology in his body, he is still restricted by others, he can only defend, but cannot fight back!

So he had to create one that possessed enough force, so that those big countries would not dare to twist their minds against him!

"Other technologies..."

According to Su Yan's original idea, he could create a controllable nuclear fusion technology.

This technology belongs to the category of human fantasy. With controllable nuclear fusion technology, it means that nuclear energy can be freely controlled, and thus has unlimited energy, so people think it is impossible... But in Su Yan Here, although controllable nuclear fusion is troublesome, it definitely does not exist only in fantasy!

With controllable nuclear fusion, Su Yan can have unlimited energy.

With infinite energy, it is conceivable that what weapons can't handle it? What things can't be handled by him?

However, the production period of this thing is not short, and the demand is extremely demanding. If Su Yan wants to develop it, he may not be able to conduct experiments on the earth, but on other planets!

Moreover, Su Yan still doesn't have the ability to control nuclear war, if it happens by accident, wouldn't he have to die with everyone else?

"You have to get something simple and crude!"

Suddenly, Su Yan glanced at the silver metal block beside him.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"No, ready-made weapons that can restrain other big countries are here!"

Nano Iron Man Suit!

Also known as Blood Edge Armor, Liquid Nano Armor!

It's the one Stark wore in Avengers 3.

The awesomeness of this thing is self-evident!

As long as it is produced, Su Yan really does not believe that those superpowers dare to do something to him!

"It's just that to make it, you have to overcome a very big difficulty!"

"Cold nuclear reactor!"

The cold nuclear reactor is the glowing device on Stark's chest!

To some extent, cold nuclear reactors and controllable nuclear fusion technology are related... Both are technologies born for energy!

Both use the fusion of deuterium and deuterium as the source of energy.

But in comparison, the cold nuclear reactor is simpler, and the controllable nuclear fusion technology is a more complicated version!

Su Yan knows all the technical principles and all the data information, but it is impossible to build a cold nuclear reactor overnight!

After all, this thing belongs to a sophisticated existence, even in the Marvel Universe, only Stark and Black Panther's sister have such cutting-edge technology!

"`"But no matter how difficult it is to overcome, it must be overcome!"

"The effect that this thing can bring in the future is far more than a set of steel suits!"

"I want to make Vibranium, Adamantium, and Wolverine Serum, all through it!"

Su Yan thinks very far.

The cold nuclear reactor is a complete subversion of energy!

In addition to being used to power liquid nano armor, it can also be used to provide sufficient energy for more technologies!

Not only that, creating the Wolverine serum, creating the green titan serum, also (Zhao's) or creating the Sentinel serum, all require a huge amount of energy to participate!

Cold nuclear reactors are just the best choice!

It is conceivable that if Su Yan took this thing out and casually dangled it in front of those big countries, it is estimated that either all the presidents would come to visit and beg him tonight, or a missile would land directly on Su Yan's head!

"Xiao Hei, I will make a list right now, contact the black merchant immediately, give him twice the market price, and find and send these materials to me as quickly as possible!"

Now that he has made up his mind, it is naturally impossible to wait any longer.

"Sir, let me analyze and calculate for you. Double the price may cost nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars!" Xiao Hei reminded.

3 billion US dollars, nearly 20 billion RMB!

This is one of the great difficulties of building a cold nuclear reactor, just burning money can burn you to doubt your life!.

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