The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 62 Future Invasion! [3 More Subscriptions Required! 】

"3 billion dollars is 3 billion dollars!"

"If the money in the account is not enough, pay them the first stage deposit first!"

"The follow-up money will be paid slowly after they get the materials!"

"No matter how much it costs, I've decided to make this thing!"

Su Yan said domineeringly.

This was not a decision he made on a whim.

And it seems that cold nuclear reactors cost more than 20 billion yuan, but the benefits it will bring in the future will be more than 100 times this amount!

The most obvious example is that if you ask any big country to spend 2 trillion and ask him if he would like to buy a cold nuclear reactor, the big country promises to ask you again: free shipping?

No one will reject such an infinite energy technology that is hundreds or even thousands of years ahead!

"Yes, sir!"

Xiao Hei immediately contacted the black merchant and promised twice the price.

When the black merchants received the news, they were all shocked, and they all chose to accept the order without saying a word!

All of a sudden, just by paying the 883 deposit for the first stage, Su Yan paid out a whopping US$1 billion!

"Sir, the deposit payment has been completed. Currently, the remaining balance in your company account and your personal account is 224.81 million!" Xiao Hei said.

1 billion US dollars is 6.7 billion RMB!

Coupled with the 800 million US dollars spent on nanotechnology, it can be said that Su Yan's income in the past two months has exceeded 10 billion!

Su Yan's income is almost 200 million a day... To some extent, it is already comparable to the most profitable company in the world!

But that's clearly not enough.

"The speed of making money is still a bit slow!"

"Although it is fast enough to take a cut from other people's product income, it is still not fast enough to really start burning money on research and development!"

Su Yan's eyes flashed, it's time to open some products by himself!"

"Just so, through this Seoul earthquake, it can be regarded as a side promotion for me!"

"I can strike while the iron is hot and get a mobile phone first! (agba)"

Su Yan had already made up his mind to make a mobile phone.

It's just that there was no nanotechnology at that time, and it was too complicated and too slow to manufacture.

But now that nanotechnology has been truly presented by him, naturally, the idea of ​​mobile phones can also be put on the agenda!

"I can't help it, it looks like I'm sorry for those bosses!"

"And the current mobile phones are too low, especially the two so-called world-leading manufacturers of Apple and Samsung. What kind of stuff are they making?"

"We must let the mobile phone industry come to a grand baptism, and at the same time let people all over the world contribute to my economy!"

Su Yan grinned.

To make a product, or not to make it, once it is made, it must be sold to the world, so that the whole world can feel the real subversive force!

Only in this way can Su Yan's blueprint for the future empire, including the desire for economic explosion, be fully realized!

"Little black!"

"Modify the homepage of Tianshen Technology's official website now, and directly announce that in a month's time, I will hold a grand mobile phone conference!"

Su Yan immediately had an idea, "In addition, inform the company's senior management and tell them to rent the Shanghai Sports Center for me. I want to hold a mobile phone conference with a crowd of 100,000 people!"

If it doesn't sing, it's over, and the sun sings amazingly!

Since you want to develop a press conference yourself, the scene must be big enough!

10,000 to 20,000 people?

not enough.

It takes one hundred thousand talents!

"At the same time, let them quickly negotiate with me about all the matters related to the live broadcast, broadcast, and the announcement of the press conference advertisement!"

"The 200 million on the book will be transferred directly to them. I don't want more. As long as within this month, all places with the largest online and offline traffic in Huaxia, you must see the words Tianshen Technology Conference!"

"Even in some remote corners of the traffic, I have to lay advertisements for me!"

"I want to let the whole of China... and even the whole world know that Tianshen Technology is going to launch a mobile phone conference!"

"If these funds are not enough, I will continue to add more to them. No matter what, I must give me the best advertising this month!"

Move your whole body with one shot.

If you want to hold a grand press conference and gather 100,000 people, it's not a trust, then you have to make enough publicity to explode!

And these promotions are all temporary decisions, and the general advertising space has long been occupied by others. If you want to sell it now, you must pay a little more... But Su Yan is not worried, with his current earning rate of about 300 million a day , no matter how big the advertising space is, he can afford it!

"Yes sir!"

"Do you want me to use big data analysis for you, and then calculate a sentence of advertising? Maybe this can make consumers more impressed!"

Xiao Hei suggested.


"Anyway, the slogan is not important to consumers, what matters is whether the product can impress them!"

Su Yan stood up suddenly from the bathtub, he stretched out his hand, the nano phone in front of him suddenly turned into a nano writing board, and in his hand was a pen made of condensed nano!

Su Yan wrote four words on the clipboard.

"The mobile phone I made in the Marvel Universe before, the picture shows the Galaxy Invasion series!"

"But now that I'm back in the main universe, I don't want to use that name anymore, I'll change it to another... just right, that's it!"

【Future Invasion】

For the Marvel Universe, their own technology is already the future. Even the technology of the Galaxy may not be able to catch up with the achievements of Stark and Dr. Pym!

But in the main universe, everything created by Su Yan is the future!

Moreover, once the mobile phone he manufactured is released, it will be a brand new baptism for mankind, a great revolution, "It is not even an exaggeration to say... an invasion!

In the future, the invasion series of mobile phones will invade every corner of people's lives. At that time, people will no longer say that mobile phones are a necessity for human beings, but a

【Welcome to the future world!】.

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