Dallas looked at the omnipresent fel energy ahead and frowned, asking, "Is there any way to clear this fel energy?"

Roger shook his head, "We can only go around!"

"Have the draenei search for another path to the Black Temple. I'll take the dragonhawk riders ahead."

Dallas opened his mouth, feeling like he was superfluous. Since the division of forces, he had only participated in one battle in Shattrath, with Roger single-handedly pushing through the rest.

However, he didn't have any good solutions in the current situation.

When Turalyon decided to split the forces, he considered Roger's strong individual strength, which is why he sent him to pursue Teron Gorefiend.

The black dragon whelp looked at the shattered Hand of Gul'dan, fearing the human on its back. It was fortunate that it hadn't resisted in the beginning, otherwise its end would definitely not have been better than the Hand of Gul'dan's. From the current situation, being a mount wasn't unacceptable.

Roger didn't know what the black dragon whelp was thinking. He led the dragonhawk riders directly to the sky above the Black Temple.

On the platform of the Black Temple, Ner'zhul and the Shadowmoon Clan warlocks had already begun the ritual. However, opening the Dark Portal was not an easy task, and they needed some time.

Roger wouldn't give them time and immediately issued the order to attack.

The Shadowmoon Clan warlocks were attacked. Some stopped the ritual and began to organize a counterattack. But with Roger present, it was difficult for them to mount an effective counterattack, and the arcane missiles filling the sky kept them busy.

At this moment, Teron Gorefiend dragged his battered body over. The explosion just now hadn't killed him. The powerful fel energy shield blocked most of the shockwave, and his fel-enhanced body saved Teron Gorefiend's life. However, even so, he had been stunned, which is why he arrived at the Black Temple a step behind Roger.

However, he didn't directly attack Roger. Instead, he used fel energy to connect to a black crystal creature, bringing it to the sky above the Black Temple.

That dark creature radiated a terrifying shadow energy. As soon as it appeared, it indiscriminately attacked Roger and the dragonhawk riders. Roger quickly cast a mana shield to protect the dragonhawk riders, but the dragonhawks were severely damaged by the shadow energy and fell from the sky.

One attack wiped out the dragonhawk riders. The elves weren't badly injured, but the dragonhawks were unlikely to survive. Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to fight. The dragonhawk riders could only be rebuilt after the next generation of dragonhawks was bred.

The lightly injured elves attacked again, but were blocked by the orcs in the Black Temple.

The black dragon whelp circled in the sky, dodging the dark creature's attacks. Roger took the opportunity to check on the elves and breathed a slight sigh of relief. If all the dragonhawk riders had been lost here, it would have been difficult for him to explain to Alleria. The dragonhawk riders were composed of talented elven rangers, each with the potential to become a high ranger. High rangers were the commanders of the rangers, equivalent to the rank of general in human society.

Returning his gaze to the dark creature, its naaru-like body allowed Roger to recognize its identity—K'ara!

Three naaru helped the draenei escape Argus. The long journey exhausted K'ara's Light, turning it into its current state. Having lost its consciousness, K'ara attacked the other two naaru, K'ure and D'ore. The ship they were on was also damaged and crashed on the plains of Nagrand, a crystal mountain called Oshu'gun.

During the ship's crash, K'ara was thrown out and wandered the skies of Shadowmoon Valley. The Shadowmoon orcs discovered it and believed it to be a dark god, so they gave it a name—the Dark Star.

When the orcs attacked the Temple of Karabor, they transported K'ara to the battlefield. If the draenei hadn't escaped quickly, who knows how many would have died. Because K'ara was constantly radiating shadow energy, turning the Temple of Karabor into darkness, that's why the Temple of Karabor became the Black Temple.

However, even knowing K'ara's backstory, Roger didn't have any good way to deal with it.

He only had one way, and that was the Dragon Soul.

It was hard to imagine how he would deal with these powerful villains without the Dragon Soul.

Roger sighed inwardly. Constantly using the Dragon Soul made him seem incapable!

Silently taking out the Dragon Soul, he aimed it at K'ara and released a prismatic beam. Caught off guard, K'ara's body began to break apart. However, it quickly mobilized dark energy to attack Roger. Although it had no consciousness, instinct told it that it could stop the Dragon Soul's attack by killing Roger.

Roger retracted the black dragon whelp into the magical reins and used Blink to land on the platform. All of K'ara's energy rushed into the air, and it would take some time to continue attacking Roger.

Taking advantage of this gap, Roger aimed the Dragon Soul at Ner'zhul.

Ner'zhul widened his eyes in horror and quickly waved the Scepter of Sargeras, prematurely opening the Dark Portal.

The Dark Portal appeared between Roger and Ner'zhul. The prismatic beam of the Dragon Soul pierced through the Dark Portal and shot into the void. Ner'zhul breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of narrowly escaping death was great.

Teron Gorefiend roared. The Dark Portal that Ner'zhul opened wasn't the place he wanted. However, he didn't blame Ner'zhul, as he had been forced to do so. With Roger here, even he wanted to open the Dark Portal as soon as possible.

He turned the Dark Star, making it hold Roger back, and charged towards the opened Dark Portal. Only by escaping Draenor could he escape Roger's threat.

K'ara frantically attacked Roger, who had almost killed it just now. While Roger was dodging, Ner'zhul also led his people towards the Dark Portal. If they didn't escape, Roger would definitely kill him.

Seeing that Teron Gorefiend and Ner'zhul were about to run, Roger immediately used an Arcane Hand to knock Teron Gorefiend away, then blinked past the Dark Portal, with the Arcane Hand blocking the path of Ner'zhul and the others. He would rather let Teron Gorefiend escape than let Ner'zhul enter the Dark Portal.

Enduring K'ara's attack, Roger used the Dragon Soul to turn Ner'zhul to ashes.

The powerful shadow energy pressed Roger to the ground. Roger quickly blinked to Ner'zhul's ashes, taking the Scepter of Sargeras and the Eye of Dalaran. Then, he used the Dragon Soul again to strike K'ara. The powerful prismatic beam shattered K'ara's body, turning it into dark crystals that scattered across the sky.

Roger turned around, only to find that Teron Gorefiend and most of the Shadowmoon warlocks had disappeared into the Dark Portal. The good news was that they hadn't taken the Book of Medivh.

The Black Temple began to shake. Roger frowned, wondering if the destruction of Draenor was unavoidable.

Roger turned his gaze to the Book of Medivh, perhaps there was still a way!

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