"Changning miracle doctor, how is my grandfather's condition now?"

As soon as Mu Changying came out, Feng Niying stepped on a pair of high heels and asked nervously.

"The tumor in the patient's brain has been removed, and it will no longer press on the sciatic nerve. Feng Lao will recover soon."

After receiving an affirmative answer, the restless hearts of the Feng family finally returned to their original place.

Feng Li took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and looked at the girl in front of him gratefully.

"Changning miracle doctor, this is a little thought from our Feng family, I hope you don't dislike it."

He took out a check for three million and handed it to Mu Changying respectfully.

It's really worth the money to buy the old man's life. They are completely profitable.

There was a soft smile on the corner of her mouth, "Oh? Didn't you say that the good reward is that she will serve me as a girl?"

The girl's voice was so sweet and waxy that it instantly softened one's heart into a puddle of spring water.

To Feng Niying, these words were not pleasant at all, almost comparable to a lullaby.

Her eyes wandered, she let out a light cough and lowered her head, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

"It's an extra gift for Ying'er to be your girl, this is the proper reward."

Feng Li had an approachable smile on his elegant face, and a warm aura lingered around him.

This compliment is sincere and makes people feel very comfortable.

"Heh... I'm really looking forward to Miss Feng coming to serve me." Mu Changying reached out to take the check and stuffed it casually into his pocket.

The bright color in her eyes became more and more bright, like the stars in summer, dazzling and beautiful.

"It's a blessing that Ying'er can serve you in her previous life."

Feng Li was completely convinced by the person in front of him, and chose to sell his daughter without hesitation.

Changning's miracle doctor is so skilled in medicine, Ying'er might be able to learn from her by her side.


Feng Niying saw that these two people didn't even ask for her opinion, they sang and agreed to decide on her ownership, and her heart suddenly felt sour.

She turned her face away and sniffed, and said in a muffled voice, "Master Changning, I will definitely keep my promise."

This arrogant appearance made Mu Changying feel quite amused.

She nodded slightly, with a hint of admiration in her eyes, "Good boy~ Those who know how to keep their promises are good children."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Niying felt inexplicably ashamed, and her pretty face was stained with blush.

Changning Miracle Doctor is much younger than her at first glance, but why does she feel that she is being coddled like a child?

"Girl Changning, I've already taken care of what you said."

Dean Huang came to Mu Changying, took out the key of the laboratory and handed it to her.

He got this key just now by holding an emergency meeting and fighting against all opinions.

"It's late, I should go back."

She reached out her little hand to take the key, then strode out of the corridor of the hospital and went to the changing room to take off the surgical gown.

Mu Changying glanced at the time, her brunette eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a hint of worry in her heart.

She stretched out her pink and tender tongue to lick her dry lips, "Oops, it's so late."

It's already 4:30 in the morning, A Yuan must have returned to the Rong mansion long ago.

He would be furious if he found out she wasn't home.

Thinking of the man who was full of hostility in his rage, Mu Changying felt anxious and irritable.

[Feng Dad: Take it away, take it away, my daughter can be called around for as long as you want]

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