The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 117 You can't abandon me without authorization



Just as she walked out of the hospital, the heavy rain poured down and instantly drenched her into a drenched chicken.

The clothes were wet and sticky to the body, making people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Mu Changying frowned, her eyes were sharp and cold, her cheeks were puffed up, and the three characters "unhappy" were written all over her delicate face.

She shook her little head and sighed helplessly, "God is not beautiful."

Mu Changying looked around and found that there happened to be a 24-hour convenience store near the hospital.

She raised her foot and was about to trot over, but the moment she stepped down, she happened to step on something soft.

When he moved his feet and lowered his head, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes, "It's strange, why is there a fish here?"

The heavy rain has just fallen, and the rain is not enough to flood the fish pond and cause small fish to jump out.

She squatted down, carefully held her in her palm and looked at it carefully.

Mu Changying's eyes were soft, and his voice was soft, "You have pretty pretty features."

It is clearly a seemingly ordinary little fish, but somehow it can make people feel good.

The ice-blue little fish seemed to understand her words, and flicked its tail weakly.

"For the sake of your beauty, I will be merciful and reluctantly accept you."

Mu Changying pursed her lips, and ran towards the convenience store with Xiaoyu in her arms.

She is so weak, she has to be put into the fish tank quickly, otherwise she might not live long.

Xiaoyu's fish eyes shimmered with gratitude, and the corners of his eyes were a little wet. It was unknown whether it was the fish's tears or the raindrops falling from the sky.


"Jiaojiao, where are you?"

"Zheng Zheng knew he was wrong, so don't continue playing hide-and-seek with me, okay?"

"It's raining heavily now, Jiaojiao, are you willing to let your Zhengzheng get wet in the rain?"

On the street in front of the hospital, a slender man braved the heavy rain and kept rummaging around.

Maybe it was because he shouted for too long, his voice became dry and hoarse, as if it had been rubbed by sandpaper.

Fu Huaizheng looked depressed, with panic and loss in his eyes.

"Didn't you say you would be my child bride? As long as you come back, I will promise you."

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao... Where did you go..."

He searched alleys and shops, big and small, but he couldn't find Fu Jiaojiao.

Fu Huaizheng's throat squirmed, and he clenched his fists and slammed heavily on the wall next to him.


The force was heavy and ruthless, and his hands instantly became bruised and swollen.

But he didn't seem to know the pain at all, and he punched the wall one after another.

Fu Huaizheng's hair was wet, his eyes were red with hostility, and his whole body was in a state of embarrassment.

After only being decadent for a while, he pulled himself together and continued to search.

His steps were chaotic, weak, and his whole body seemed to be a helpless duckweed floating on the sea.

"Jiaojiao... As long as you come back, Zhengzheng will promise you everything..."

His heart throbbed when he thought that the sweet and soft little girl in his memory would disappear from his world from now on.

"Jiaojiao, without my permission, how could you abandon me without authorization..."

There was a pale smile on the corner of Fu Huaizheng's mouth. This smile was so sad that people couldn't help but feel sad.

He looked at the empty streets in the early morning, feeling depressed and lonely.

The body seems to have lost its soul, and he turned into a monster walking dead.

[Guessed or not, it should be easy to guess]

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