Mu Changying nodded obediently, with a slight arc on the corner of her mouth, and said softly, "A Yuan, I will remember next time."

As she spoke, she raised the small fish tank in her hand, showing off like a treasure, "Look, isn't this little fish beautiful?"

Rong Liyuan's eyes fell on the transparent glass tank, watching the ice blue fish swimming inside, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

He pursed his lips tightly, rubbed his thumb and index finger slowly, and then sneered coldly, "Bai Mo, change the fish tank again and keep her in the kitchen."

This fish tank was bought by Ying Bao, he wanted to keep it well, how could he make this fish cheaper?

This little guy is an eyesore at first glance, keeping Ying Bao in the room will definitely distract Ying Bao a lot of attention.


The little fish in the fish tank didn't pay attention, and its little head hit the glass wall.

She shook her body, changed direction, and began to swim with her tail facing Rong Liyuan.

Bai Mo hugged the fish tank cowardly, "Second Lord... it's not good to keep fish in the kitchen..."

Madam looked at him more and more sharply. If he dared to follow suit, Hao Sheng would definitely teach him a lesson.

In this family, the wife is the one who stands at the top of the food chain, and he has to do some small things to his wife to get good money.

Mu Changying smiled, "A Yuan, are you competing with a fish for favor?"

Keeping the little fish in the kitchen was a blatant reminder to her that if he angered him, he would stew her into a pot of soup.

Ah Yuan is really the reincarnation of the Vinegar King, and the water of the Vinegar River began to flood again.

"She is not worthy of making me jealous."

"You just said that you belong to me."

Rong Liyuan glanced at Xiao Yu contemptuously, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still cold-blooded.

What vinegar? If she dared to act like a monster and escape Yingbao's favor, she would eat fish directly!

"Yes, yes, I am yours, and I love you the most."

"But Ah Yuan, this fish is really pitiful. When I picked her up, she was almost dying."

"There is heavy oily smoke in the kitchen, what will happen if she dies without paying attention?"

Mu Changying tightened her clothes, sucked her little nose and stared at the man in front of her.

The girl's delicate and tender mouth opened and closed, and her big watery eyes flickered and acted like a baby, she was so powerful.

The movement of her tightening the jacket was caught in his eyes, and his thick eyebrows were furrowed instantly.

Yingbao just got caught in the rain, so he can't stay here any longer, he has to go upstairs and take a hot bath.

"In that case, keep her in the living room."

Rong Liyuan hugged her horizontally, and walked upstairs briskly.

"A Yuan, I knew you were the best."

Mu Changying nestled in his arms, her little head obediently rubbing against his chest.

Just rubbing against her, she stopped immediately, her hair was wet, how could she wet A Yuan's clothes? ——

Looking at Rong Liyuan's back, Bai Mo who was holding the fish tank shrugged helplessly.

He knew that the second master would definitely succumb to his wife's coquettish behavior.

"Little fish, little fish, you have to thank Madam well, otherwise your end will be steamed or fried."

Bai Mo stretched out his fingers and gently flicked the fish tank, the doll's face was serious.


This expression frightened the little fish in the bathtub. She rolled her eyes and flicked her little tail in fear.

Woooooo, why does she feel that Sister Fairy's house is so dangerous~

That handsome uncle is so cruel that he wants to eat her.

Hmph, he is a bad guy, how can he hug the fairy sister?

[Because it is a mermaid, so I directly default to "she" instead of "it". Jiaojiao's setting is three forms-fish, mermaid, and human. These three situations appear in different situations during the growth period Oh ~]

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