The next day, the morning light pierced through the mist, and everything was bathed in the warm sunshine, everything was so vibrant...

A gentle breeze blew through the room, and the gray curtains swayed gently.

Lying on a big soft bed is a man and a woman hugging and sleeping, the picture is extremely warm.

The man's slender eyelashes trembled for a moment, and then he opened his eyes.

Even though he just woke up, there was no trace of confusion in his eyes.

Rong Liyuan looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms, with endless greed on his face.

He stretched out his big palm and stroked her delicate skin, "Yingbao, the only person lying next to you will always be me."

If there was another wild man by her side, he would definitely tear that man into pieces.

Rong Liyuan let out a sigh, "Sure're cuter when you're asleep..."

Her obedient appearance was like a delicate doll, she could only lean against his side, and could never escape.

But... Although she was so good, he couldn't bear her to be in a deep sleep all the time.

"I can let you go out and fly freely, but the premise is that you can't shake off the string I tied to you."

His palm moved all the way down to the girl's slender neck and gently stroked it.

The dark flames in those deep eyes became more and more intense, as if they were going to burn everything.

"Knock knock—"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Rong Liyuan looked at the sleeping girl lying on the bed, and frowned displeasedly.

Yingbao slept so late last night, if she is woken up now, she will definitely not have enough sleep.

He planted a kiss on Mu Changying's forehead, touched it with a touch, and left immediately.

Rong Liyuan got up cautiously to open the door, and when he saw the person at the door, the gloomy look in his eyes became a little bit thicker.

"Second Master..."

Bai Mo was stared at by this death gaze, and the pores all over his body seemed to be infinitely enlarged.

"Shut up."

Rong Liyuan glanced coldly at this blind guy.

He has such a loud voice, what if Ying Bao is woken up?


Hearing this, Bai Mo's back stiffened, and he kept cursing himself in his heart.

Damn, in fact, he didn't want to rush to hit the muzzle of the gun, but the situation was really urgent.

Zheng Shao showed up at the Rong mansion in a daze early in the morning, and his frightened appearance frightened him.

When Rong Liyuan went downstairs, seeing Fu Huaizheng sitting on the sofa, his expression was solemn for a moment.

"what happened?"

The man sitting on the sofa was motionless, like a dead body.

Seeing this, the seriousness in Rong Liyuan's eyes deepened, "Ah Zheng, if you have anything to say, just say it."

They grew up together and are very familiar with each other's temperament and character.

Fu Huaizheng has a superior family background since he was a child, and his appearance is also very deceptive, and he became the vice president at a young age, so he is completely the pride of heaven.

Something must have happened to make him so distracted!

The man came back to his senses, a pale smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Rong Xiaoer, my beauty is gone..."

His smile is desolate and cold, which makes people feel angina.

Fu Huaizheng leaned weakly on the sofa, his eyes dimmed, "I must be not good enough for her, that's why she doesn't want me..."

He has kept Jiaojiao by his side since he picked her up, and it has been two years so far.

He has been sleeping with her for more than seven hundred days and nights, taking good care of her daily life.

In order to prevent outsiders from underestimating her, he even gave her the surname Fu.

But now... She suddenly left his world without saying a word.

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