The aura around Fu Huaizheng was desolate and bleak, it seemed that all his vitality was emptied in an instant, and even his soul became decayed and aged, losing its light...

The atmosphere in the living room became extremely oppressive, and the servants subconsciously breathed a little less, for fear of disturbing the two gods of death if they didn't pay attention.



What no one noticed was that the little blue fish kept in the living room kept beating the transparent glass tank with its tail.

But her strength is too small to attract everyone's attention.

Fu Jiaojiao was out of breath after taking pictures for a while, so she had to stop to rest.

Her eyes were fixed on the man sitting on the sofa, as if she wanted to engrave his figure deep in her soul.

"Put away your distraught look, even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find him back!"

Rong Liyuan tightened his grip on the armrest of the sofa, his eyes seemed to have been smudged by thick ink.

Outsiders only thought that Fu Jiaojiao was the child of a distant relative of the Fu family, but they knew the truth was not the case.

When Fu Huaizheng brought the three-year-old girl back to the Fu family, it caused quite a stir.

Everyone in the Fu family thought that the child was Ah Zheng's illegitimate daughter born to other women outside.

However, after the paternity test, the two people have no blood relationship.

Even so, Ah Zheng decided against all opinions to raise Fu Jiaojiao himself.

After two full years of getting along, that child has become a weakness that Fu Huaizheng can't let go of.

"Last night, I dispatched everyone in the Fu family to look for it, but I didn't even find any clues."

Jiao Jiao seemed to disappear into this world out of thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Rong Liyuan's eyes flashed like enamel, "You have to know, I will do my best to do what I say."

No matter how much money and manpower is wasted, he will do his best to help Fu Huaizheng.

Because... they are brothers who grew up together, not their own, but better than their own!


"Dad, good morning... Good morning Uncle Zheng..."

When Rong Shichu went downstairs and saw Fu Huaizheng's appearance of neither human nor ghost, his heart was filled with huge waves.

If I remember correctly, according to this uncle's temperament, he can still look normal even when the sky is falling. Is it possible that he is so abnormal today because of some kind of stimulation?

"Well, morning." Rong Liyuan raised his eyes lightly, and when he glanced at Rong Shichu and saw the fish tank beside him, his eyes became dim, "You go and feed her some fish food."

Although he didn't like this little guy very much, she was picked up by Yingbao anyway, so she couldn't starve to death.

"Huh? What?"

Rong Shichu was slightly stunned, his eyes were filled with bewilderment, and he couldn't figure out what was going on at all.

Bai Mo, who was standing by, dutifully took out the fish food and handed it to him, then pointed to the transparent glass tank.

"Master, please."


Damn, he hasn't had breakfast yet, but this fish has eaten it first!

Fuck, in this family, a fish has a higher status than him.

At this moment, Rong Shichu's heart was sour and astringent, it was not a good taste.

The man had to bow his head under the eaves, and Rong Shichu started to feed the small fish very spinelessly.

But after feeding for a while, he couldn't bear it anymore, and his face turned from ashen to black.

"Damn, this fish doesn't know what's good!"

He rubbed his brows, took a deep breath, and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

So much fish food was sprinkled, but this little guy didn't eat any, it was a waste of his energy.

"Heh... Who are you scolding for not knowing what to do?"

At this time, a delicate and soft yet somewhat serious voice sounded in the living room.

Hearing this, Rong Shichu's body stiffened in an instant, standing motionless like a sculpture.

【Huh, finally finished writing】

[Rong Shichu: Hmph, dead fish, you are so convinced to be fed by me, but you are so ignorant, be careful that I will drink you up in stew one day, my lord!]

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