Mu Changying came down from the stairs, grabbed the fish food in his hand and handed it to Bai Mo, "Since she doesn't like fish food, she can change it to something else."

This fish was picked up by her, and it was not for others to criticize it casually.

Bai Mo glanced at Rong Shichu, whose body was as stiff and motionless as a mountain, and there was a gloating light in his eyes.

He put one hand on his lips and coughed lightly, "Ma'am, I'll tell the kitchen to prepare something else for her."

Hey... The young master still doesn't quite understand the hierarchical relationship in this family, how can he have a good life if he provokes his wife rashly?

"I'll ask Ah Yuan to raise your salary."

Mu Changying nodded in satisfaction, his gaze turned cold when he glanced at Rong Shichu.

She brushed past him and walked straight to the man sitting on the sofa.

Sitting on his lap with both legs, stretched out a small hand as tender as snow lotus root to climb his neck.

"A Yuan...good morning."

Mu Changying stared at Rong Liyuan, with crooked eyebrows and charming smile, so dazzlingly beautiful and pure.

With Wenxiang nephrite in his arms, a gloomy look flashed in the man's eyes.

Early in the morning, this little fellow teased him, and his courage was really getting bigger and bigger.

"Yingbao, why don't you sleep a little longer?" He stretched out his big palm and gently rubbed her little head.

Why did she wake up so early? Did someone disturb her?

Rong Liyuan scanned around the people present, the gloomy look in his eyes became a bit stronger.

The sound insulation of the room is so good that the people in the living room can't make noise to the people upstairs anyway.

He was eccentric to the navel and vented his anger, which was completely unreasonable.

Mu Changying half-closed his big watery eyes, and gently rubbed his small head against the palm of his hand, "Hmm... I can't sleep without Ah Yuan by my side."



The pale-faced Fu Huaizheng was stabbed mercilessly, his heart ached, and the bloody hole was flowing with pungent blood...

He got up indifferently, "I'll go back and wait for your news."

With Jiao Jiao not by his side, his heart was empty, and seeing the love of these two people without anyone else, he couldn't help but feel even more uncomfortable.

Rong Liyuan raised his eyes, and said a rare word of concern to Fu Huaizheng, "Go back and clean yourself up, she definitely doesn't want you to do this."

His forward steps paused for a moment, "... Got it."

Jiaojiao, would you really not want to see him like this?

If you really don't want to...then come back early.

His voice was extremely dry, and a sense of desolation rushed over his face, and the atmosphere in the living room instantly became a bit low.

Mu Changying's eyes flickered slightly, she stuck out her pink tongue and pursed her lips, but she didn't ask what happened.

After breakfast, Rong Liyuan had so many things to deal with that he couldn't send her to school.

As an all-round special assistant, the matter of sending his wife to school naturally fell on Bai Mo.

What's more, he also has something to deal with during this trip, and that matter is inextricably related to his wife.


Rong Shichu sat in the car with an extremely unnatural expression, "Ahem..."

The thought of the vicious little mother sitting next to him gave goosebumps all over his body.

"Master, can you please shut up for a while?" Bai Mo raised his brows, with an impeccable respect on the baby's face.

Even so, there was an undisguised threat in his eyes.

Madam didn't sleep well last night, she closed her eyes and rested her mind as soon as she got in the car, Rong Shichu coughed so loudly, didn't this mean to disturb Madam's rest on purpose?

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