"I see……"

Rong Shichu was short of breath, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and the evil fire in his heart kept rushing up.

This man is just a running dog beside his father, and he dares to speak to him in such an orderly tone!

The corners of Bai Mo's mouth curled up, and a trace of sarcasm quickly flashed across his eyes.

His time was very accurate, and when he arrived at the gate of Qingjin High School, there were still five minutes before the class time.

Mu Changying opened his eyes, and yawned lazily, "Little Momo, you've worked hard."

Hearing this, Bai Mo showed joy on his face, and said with a grin at the corner of his mouth, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work, it's my blessing to take care of my wife."

Hehehe...it doesn't have to be so tiring to stay by Madam's side.

In order to better protect his wife, the second master arranged a new job for him here.

Bai Mo looked at Qingjin High School in front of him, and his heart surged with excitement.


Standing on the side, Rong Shichu felt that he was completely ignored again, his lips parted slightly, and he cursed silently.

At this time, a beautiful figure came into view, "Yun'er."

Seeing his beloved little girlfriend, Rong Shichu ignored the people next to him and strode after Gu Qingyun with his schoolbag.

Looking at the back of her cheap son, Mu Changying shook her little head, and murmured in a low voice with a half-smile, "Tsk tsk tsk...you know how to find a daughter-in-law for me at a young age."

Heh... a scumbag and a villainous woman are quite a match.

The girl's voice is sweet and glutinous, making people feel like they are soaked in a honeypot.

But for some reason, Bai Mo felt a slight chill coming.

She restrained the strange look in her eyes, stood on tiptoe and patted his shoulder, "Xiao Momo, go back, I should go to school."

After taking the photo, Mu Changying walked into the campus leisurely with her small schoolbag on her back.

Bai Mo, who stayed where he was, turned pale, his pupils contracted violently in fear, and he swallowed subconsciously.

The madam actually patted his shoulder with those slender hands, this is simply killing people invisible, taking his life quietly.

He clasped his arms and shivered, "Damn, if the second master finds out, I won't be able to keep my job!"

Seeing this, the students passing by glanced at Bai Mo with crazy eyes.

Tch, this person must have escaped from some mental hospital, right? !


Bai Mo realized that he was ashamed, and hurriedly straightened his clothes, his face returned to the original expression, and then walked towards the school with his head upright.


Class 7, Grade 3, is well-known in Qingjin, and there are legends about them in every corner of the school.

It's not that the students in Class Seven are too good, but that they are too spicy, to the point where everyone hates them.

At this time, other classes are either doing morning reading or silently reviewing homework, or waiting for the teacher to arrive.

But only the classroom in Class 7 was noisy and ebullient, like a vegetable market in the early morning.

"Isn't there a transfer student in our class, why didn't you see it?"

"Hey, who knows? Maybe it's because the reputation of our class is too loud and the other party feels that they don't deserve to come in, so they transfer to another class."

"However, that transfer student was fierce enough. He beat the 'Mediterranean' teacher in Class 1 to death on the first day."

"Didn't you see the news that was exposed on the Internet? Gu Hui took bribes, tampered with students' volunteers, and even plotted against beautiful female students..."

"He is a brute who has done all kinds of bad things and has no conscience. If he is killed, I will be the first to applaud him!"

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