The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 133 Could the evil little mother be so kind?

Chapter 133 The vicious little mother can be so kind

no! If these rumors cannot be quelled, much of the image she has worked so hard to create will be destroyed.

Gu Qingyun swallowed the sweet taste in her throat, broke away from Rong Shichu's arms and walked to Mu Changying.

"Student Mu... I said the wrong thing in a moment of impatience. I hope you won't take it to heart."

"You care about your friend and are cruel, but I speak out in a hurry. Everyone has something wrong. If this is the case, let's reconcile~"

Her attitude towards admitting her mistakes seems to be good, but in fact she does not forget to step on others to exonerate herself.

Mu Changying nodded her round little head, "If you really want to admit your mistake, I won't hold on to you~"

The girl's tone was as calm as the wind, and she accepted the other party's apology with a generous heart.

She pursed her lips, gave a sweet smile, and stretched out her hand to shake hands with Lu Qingyun.

She is the kindest little fairy, and of course she will forgive bad babies who make mistakes.

"Now that we have forgiven each other, we will be good friends from now on~"

A soft smile appeared at the corner of Gu Qingyun's mouth, and she clapped her little hands happily, but if you look closely, you will find that there is no smile in her eyes.

The development of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone looked at this scene in confusion.

"Damn, what's going on? If you become friends with this little Bailian, you will be chewed to the bone."

"Madan, I really saw a ghost today!"

Fu Zixian's pretty little face darkened, she slapped her forehead in annoyance, gritted her teeth and cursed angrily in a low voice.

She relaxed her body, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying her best to suppress the rising anger.

If she didn't vent her anger, she was worried that she would be unable to control her temper, so she directly stepped forward and gave Xiao Bailian a few big slaps.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows calmly, held Gu Qingyun's little hand and said with a smile, "Yes, we will be good friends who share blessings from now on."

The moment the two held each other's hands, a strange aura filled the air.

They looked at each other with masks on, and waves of huge waves crashed against the black reef in their hearts.

She tightened her strength slightly and pulled Lu Qingyun in front of her. The two were so close that she could clearly hear each other's breathing.

"Chunhua, you have to guard everything you have~"

"No one can take away what I have. Anyone who ruins my good deeds will eventually report to the Hall of Hell."

The two of them smiled and looked friendly, but the moment their eyes met, they fought hundreds of times.

Mu Changying squeezed Gu Qingyun's hand harder, and the other person's face became weaker and weaker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She smiled softly and let go, wiping her hands on Lu Qingyun's school uniform when she left.

The two men's movements were extremely subtle, and no one noticed anything was wrong.


Bitch, this was all intentional!

Gu Qingyun's body stiffened, and her suppressed anger erupted like volcanic lava again.

"I'll wait and see how you hold on~"

The Gu family is something she discarded, but that doesn't mean others can deliberately plan to pick it up~

Go to hell? Hahaha... It's a pity that King Yama refused to accept her several times~

Mu Changying smiled and passed by Gu Qingyun and walked straight in the direction of Fu Zixian.

As soon as she left, Rong Shichu, who was waiting eagerly by the side, quickly stepped forward to support his little girlfriend.

He looked at Gu Qingyun suspiciously and said worriedly: "Yun'er, are you okay?"

She leaned her body against him and forced a smile, "I'm fine."

Seeing this, Rong Shichu frowned, the vicious little mother really didn't do anything to Yun'er? Would she be so kind?

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