The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 134 It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered

Fu Zixian opened her arms and gave Mu Changying a big bear hug, "Xiaoyingying."

She hugged the girl's slender waist tightly and didn't let go, burying her little head in the other's neck and nuzzling her.

"Be good~"

Mu Changying's eyes showed warm affection, and she put her little hand on Fu Zixian's head and stroked her hair gently.

She is very defensive, and no one can touch anyone who puts her label on her~

Fu Zixian rubbed it lightly for a while and then stopped, her mouth tightly pursed and silent, with a heavy breath lingering around her body.

This unusual aura was caught by Mu Changying, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes.

"What's wrong with Xiao Xianxian? If you feel dissatisfied with the handling just now, how about you come back later to take revenge?"

Lu Qingyun and Rong Shichu are just two gadgets. If Xiao Xianxian wants the other to be disabled, it is not impossible...

Mu Changying picked up a strand of Fu Zixian's hair and played with it carelessly in her hand, her bright and pure pupils showing a gloomy anger.

She pursed her lips and snorted disdainfully, "Humph, a scumbag and a bitch can't affect my mood."

She was in a bad mood today, so she didn't take action. On normal days, these two people would have been beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

"Xiao Xianxian, if you don't mind, you can use me as someone to talk to. Maybe I can help you solve your troubles~"

Mu Changying loosened the hair wrapped around her index finger, and gently pushed Fu Zixian out of her arms into an intimate holding of hands.

As soon as she heard this, the girl's eyes swept away the previous decadence and turned into a golden light.

She said with excitement, "Hey, why did I forget that there is a thigh next to me?"

Xiaoyingying is the second master's wife. If the second master helps, Jiaojiao will be found soon.

Fu Zixian didn't know that Fu Huaizheng had already figured out this strategy, and he was very proud of himself and thought that his brain was extremely smart.

She told all the things about Fu Jiaojiao's disappearance, and after hearing this, Mu Changying's face turned serious.

She opened her lips slightly, licked her lips with her delicate tongue, and smelled an unusual taste.

Fu Jiaojiao disappeared...

The girlfriend Jiaojiao suddenly appeared next to Fu Huaizheng in his previous life...

There is no coincidence between the two, there must be an inextricable relationship.

Mu Changying rubbed Fu Zixian's head, "Don't worry, little Xianxian, A Yuan is already helping to find Jiaojiao."

It seems that... Fu Huaizheng showed up at Rong Mansion in despair this morning because of this matter.

When Fu Zixian heard this, he raised his head in surprise, "Damn, I'm stupid."

Her brother's IQ is so high, he must have already done everything she can think of.

"That's fine. One more person will give me more strength, and I don't have to continue to be worried all the time."

Soon, the first class arrived, and Mu Changying sent Fu Zixian, who was reluctant to leave her, into the classroom.

She lowered her head, a faint dark light flashed in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised in pleasure.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I seem to have discovered a great secret~"

She held her chin with one hand and blinked her eyes, as agile as a cunning and clever little fox.

Mu Changying turned around and returned to Class 7. Without saying a word, she picked up her schoolbag and headed straight to the rooftop.

Bai Mo simply chose to turn a blind eye to her honest truancy.

He still wanted to live longer, but he didn't have the guts to stop his wife.

The fact that Madam went to the rooftop instead of climbing over the wall was already giving him face.

There were much fewer dangers on campus than outside, and he was sure that nothing would happen to his wife.

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