The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 135 The young baby also wants to deal with the aunt?

Chapter 135 The young baby also wants to deal with the aunt

Mu Changying came to the rooftop, took out a tablet computer from her schoolbag and hacked into the surveillance network of the top police center in Mingdu City.

There were so many videos at various intersections yesterday, thousands of them, that it was impossible to watch them all at once.

She copied the video, then erased her login traces and exited the surveillance network.

The police center was invaded but no alarm was raised, and no one was aware of it.

"Well... I haven't been to the forum for a long time, I really miss it~"

Mu Changying entered a URL familiarly, verified her identity and logged in.

As soon as she entered the website, the hanging list attracted all her attention.

I saw that the number one on the reward list was Changning, with a reward amount of up to 300 million.

Mu Changying tapped the smooth and delicate profile of her face with one hand, "It's really a generous move."

As soon as the news of her operation on Mr. Feng spread, someone was following her, which was really fast.

Mu Changying moved the mouse without hesitation to take over the business.

"It just so happens that I don't know how to raise so much money in a short period of time."

There are many ways she can raise money, but such a large amount of money in a short period of time is bound to attract attention.

The timing of this bounty was perfect, and it was undoubtedly exactly what she wanted.

She looked at the computer screen and supported her chin with one hand, "Tsk... Only by getting money can we make more money by making money."

The girl has big, sparkling eyes, and her puffed-up cheeks make her look pretty and lively.

She browsed around and found nothing interesting before getting ready to log off.

"Didi didi——"

At this time, several messages popped up in the chat box.

Mu Changying felt extremely helpless when she saw the person who sent the message.

She shook her head and sighed, "Hey... this guy has good skills, but there seems to be something wrong with his head?"

I have already said it last time, I am really not his sister, why is this person so unwilling to give up?

Mu Changying didn't intend to respond, but the other party had obviously anticipated her thoughts and actually threw a virus directly at her computer.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously, with turbulent darkness exuding from her pupils, and she lightly opened her lips and sneered, "Young baby, do you want to deal with my aunt with this little skill?"

Putting the computer on his knees, his hands quickly hit the keyboard, making a crisp crackling sound.

The slender fingers were as fast as lightning, leaving behind a series of afterimages that made it difficult to see clearly. The hand speed almost soared to about 400.


At the Mingyuan Hotel, Li Zhiyi was sitting at the computer desk, with a look of excitement on his rough face.

There was endless doting and cunning in his deep eyes, "Yiyi, it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell my brother. My second brother will find out on his own."

The method of detecting IP addresses he just used is rather special, and was specially taught to him by his younger sister.

Watching the person opposite step by step into the carefully laid trap, Li Zhiyi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He thought of Li Nanxun, who had just returned last night, and planned to share with him the news that his sister was about to be found.

"Third brother, get out of here quickly!"

"Li Nanxun, hurry up before you die!"

"Damn, you're still awake until now. Are you a pig?"

Li Zhiyi shouted several times but received no response. He lost his temper and started to attack him personally.

The man frowned, his wild face full of rage, and the wild aura spread rapidly to the surroundings in an instant.

The rubbish was getting more harsh and hurtful every time. Li Nanxun, who was lying on the bed in the suite, suddenly lost all sleep.

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