"Damn, what's the ghost's name?"

He got up from the bed, ruffled his messy hair with his long, porcelain-white hands, and walked towards Li Zhiyi's room on a pair of slippers.

"Boy, I'm sleeping, can you please stop disturbing me?"

Li Nanxun was lazily leaning at the door wearing a gray silk nightgown.

A pair of intoxicating peach blossom eyes were half-squinted, and the tear mole on the corner of his left eye made him look even more romantic.

Li Zhiyi raised his eyes and glanced at his younger brother who exuded a seductive aura. His rough face was serious, "Axun, I have a clue about Yiyi."

The half-awake and half-asleep man was in a state of confusion. He obviously did not hear this sentence clearly and frowned in displeasure, "Oh, that's it?"

Is this guy crazy? Why wake him up just for such a trivial matter?

Suddenly, his eyes opened, he straightened up and dug his ears in disbelief, "Second brother, what did you just say?"

Li Zhiyi sneered lightly, picked up the Sprite can on the table with one hand, flattened it and threw it at the other person's head.

"The K-god that has been making a lot of noise recently on domestic hacker forums is Yiyi."

His voice was low and dark, like a prairie storm, but there was also a hint of indulgent pampering in the wildness.


The confused look in Li Nanxun's peach blossom eyes disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he spoke tremblingly and excitedly.

A year and a half after coming to China, he entered the entertainment industry and became a popular male. Even though he has countless crazy fans, he has never been as excited as he is now.

His dear sister...is she finally going to be found?

While the two were talking, Mu Changying reached an impasse and discovered that it was a carefully designed trap.

Her brain was running at high speed, she was quickly calculating her escape route, and she was typing on the keyboard with both hands to escape.

"Didi didi——"

Li Zhiyi's computer sounded an alarm, and his face froze. He stared straight at the screen with a stern look on his face, and his hand speed increased to prevent the target from escaping.

The two of them faced each other, attacking each other with all their strength without leaving any room, their moves were deadly and sharp and unstoppable.

Mu Changying threw a small smoke bomb virus, and Li Zhiyi was forced to detoxify it, while she took the opportunity to escape.

She quickly logged off, erased all traces, closed the computer, stood up and looked around with a frown.

"Damn it, the general address was leaked."

Although the other party did not find out her specific location in the end, it was probably still detected.

She bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and said in a muffled voice, "Aw...you have to be more careful next time."

It's strange. The opponent was obviously not that powerful the last time they fought. Could it be that they retained their strength last time?

Mu Changying depressedly put the computer into her schoolbag, picked it up with her little hands and walked downstairs.


"It was only one step away...but she still escaped."

Li Zhiyi leaned on the computer chair, with bursts of darkness filling his eyes like mysterious black holes.

"This... second brother, don't lose heart."

Li Nanxun felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him from beginning to end, and his whole body was cold.

My heart seemed to be missing a corner, empty, silent and cold.

Li Zhiyi rubbed his sore fingers, "Although I didn't find the specific IP address, I found that Yiyi's location is in the university area of ​​Mingdu City."

Great sorrow and great joy were nothing more than this, and Li Nanxun's face was filled with smile again.

His shiny peach blossom eyes narrowed and he looked at Li Zhiyi with an evil and aggressive look.

"Boy, it's not a good habit to leave your words unfinished."

Damn, this guy definitely did it on purpose!

Forget it, since he found out the approximate location, I won't bother with him.

Recognition is accelerating

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