The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 142 Who gave him the confidence to win?

First Superior Court Lounge.

Lin Mo sat on the sofa, picked up the teapot on the table and made himself a cup of tea.

He picked it up and took a sip. The hand holding the cup was as stiff as ice, and his face looked as if he had swallowed a fly.

"Bah... is the tea served to guests such a piece of rubbish?"

Lawyer Quan was in no mood to coddle this young master’s temper.

His brows were furrowed, a few obvious wrinkles were visible at the corners of his eyes, and his pupils were full of vigilance.

Li Nanfeng is a difficult opponent, and it's a long shot to win this lawsuit.

"Master Lin, you must control your emotions when you go to court later."

Lawyer Quan walked around in the lounge, stretching out his hand to rub the center of his brow irritably.

Hanzhou's lawyers are notoriously difficult to deal with. In court, they will always easily attack their enemies' emotions to the point of collapse to achieve their goals.

Every question they ask is both to the point and full of thorns. If one is not careful, he will fall into the trap and be stabbed all over.

Jin Xieye, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up casually and said, "Don't worry, you can't lose this lawsuit."

He looked confident and calm, and his attitude was determined, as if he was already winning.

Lawyer Quan was stunned for a moment, looking at Jin Xieye with an inexplicable expression. After a few seconds, a black transaction speculation flashed through his mind.

His hand holding the briefcase tightened, his chubby knuckles turned white, and he was extremely tangled and struggling inside, as if he was walking on a cliff.

"Let's go, it's almost time." Jin Xie put one hand in his pocket, opened the door and walked out.


At 9:20 in the morning, people from both sides entered the seats and took their seats under the leadership of the staff.

The recorder, who was wearing a judge's uniform, stood in his position with a serious face and glanced at the people present with a stern look.

This look was not very intimidating, but he had a sacred and solemn aura about him.

Under this atmosphere, everyone closed their mouths in unison.

"Please be quiet, I will now announce the court discipline.

“1: No audio, video or photography is allowed without the permission of the court.

2: Except for those who are allowed to enter the trial area for work in this court, no one else is allowed to enter the trial area.

3: No clapping or making noise...

7: Please turn off the mobile phones and pagers you carry with you. "

"The discipline has been read out. Now everyone stands up and invites the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel to enter the court!"

As soon as the recorder finished speaking, Mu Changying and others stood up.

At this time, several middle-aged men wearing judge uniforms walked in.

This team is a collegial panel composed of a presiding judge and three judges.

Their steps are grand, their eyebrows are solemn, and they carry an aura of impartiality.

The black uniforms look extremely majestic when worn on the body, and a red hem on the chest gives them a hint of humanness in their solemnity. Law and emotion coexist.

"At nine twenty minutes this morning, the First High Court of Mingdu City held a public hearing in accordance with the law regarding the reputation dispute between the plaintiff Mu Changying and the defendant Lin Mo."

Everyone sat down, and Jin Xieye raised his head and met the eyes of a majestic judge on the stage.

Although the gazes only lasted for two seconds before they separated, this small gesture was noticed by Rong Liyuan.

He put one hand on the table and tapped it lightly, his deep eyes filled with undercurrents.

Rong Liyuan turned sideways and stretched out his hand to the special assistant beside him, and Li Li handed over a piece of information about the members of the collegial panel in an instant.

“According to legal provisions, parties have the right to apply for disqualification from the recorder and the judge.”

He roughly browsed through the information at a glance, his eyes locked on the relationship column, his eyes dark and eerie.

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