Rong Moyuan bent his knuckles, tightened his grip on the information, raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, stood up and looked at the judge.

"Dear presiding judge, collegial bench, I apply for Judge Huang to recuse himself from this hearing."

The man stood there as tall and straight as possible, with a layer of shadow cast on his sharp-edged silhouette, and an aura of strength and confidence lingering around him.


Jin Xieye didn't expect that the relationship would be leaked, and his calm and composed face showed a bit of discomfort.

He held the handle of the chair tightly with one hand, his face twisted and ferocious like an angry lion.

"Judge Huang is related to Jin Xueye, the eldest son of the Jin Group. For the sake of the fairness of the trial, I hope the presiding judge will allow him to suspend the work at hand and withdraw from this case."

It was so cold. Even though Rong Liyuan said honorifics, it made people feel intimidated and made him feel shorter than him.


The presiding judge frowned, with a trace of embarrassment on his face. He discussed with several judges for a minute before finalizing the decision.

"After discussion by the collegial panel, we decided to have Judge Huang withdraw from this trial."

Without the support of a big boss, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to achieve the final victory.

Lin Mo put his tongue against the stem of his teeth, snorted coldly, stood up and glared at Rong Liyuan, "Second Master Rong, what do you mean?"

Normally he wouldn't dare to be so bold, but today this matter was so important that he had to be brave.

A fool who doesn’t know whether to live or die~

Mu Changying lowered her head slightly, opened her delicate pink lips, and cursed silently.

"Dear presiding judge, collegial panel. The decision has just been made, but the defendant Lin Mo is standing up and provoking openly at this moment. This is a complete disregard for court discipline, treating the law as nothing, and even more blasphemy against the sacred court!"

The girl raised her head without being humble or arrogant and looked directly at the presiding judge. Her eyes were clear and pure, and there was a serious look on her delicate little face.

"Don't be so slanderous!"

Lin Mo, the eldest young master, was out of temper and gritted his teeth. He put his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly.

His voice was sharp and harsh, as if it was about to penetrate people's eardrums.

Lawyer Quan, who was sitting on the seat, was speechless and held his forehead. Most of the confidence he had finally built up in his heart collapsed.

He gets angry when he is provoked. Is this guy going out without any brains? There is a high probability that this lawsuit will be lost today.

The presiding judge's face was solemn, showing no signs of emotion or anger, "Please keep calm, the defendant."

Jin Xieye stood up, bowed and apologized at a 49-degree angle to the people on the stage, and then pulled Lin Mo back to his original position with a strong tug on his hand.

This guy usually does whatever he wants just because of his family background, but this is a court, how can we allow him to be so arrogant?

"Now, please tell the plaintiff what happened, what evidence he has and submit it."

Li Nanfeng sat on his seat, nodded politely to the people on the stage, and slid his long and well-boned fingers on the computer.

Just two seconds later, a video of the fight that happened in a corner of Qingjin Campus a few days ago appeared on the big screen.

The corner where Lin Mo beat Si Xian and the others was very hidden, and there were several surveillance cameras out of the way, but it was still caught on camera.

"Presiding judge, collegial panel, as shown in the picture, the No. 1 evidence we submitted is a video.

Judging from this video, Lin Mo relied on his family background to commit evil deeds and bullied Qingjin students unscrupulously.

When the police arrived, not only did he show no remorse, he even made lies and slandered my client, Ms. Mu Changying, for participating in the fight.

The innocent Miss Mu was taken for interrogation, but Lin Mo was able to get out on the bail of her friend Mr. Jin Xueye.

What they do is completely treating the law as a plaything of power. If everyone is like this, where is the majesty and justice of the law?

This incident caused serious psychological harm and reputational damage to my client, Ms. Mu.

As her attorney, I hope that the presiding judge and the collegial panel can convict Mr. Lin Mo of defaming his reputation and compensate him for honorary fees, psychological treatment fees and court attorney fees. "

Li Nanfeng's eloquent attitude was serious and somewhat bitingly cold, and his words turned into sharp weapons and attacked the enemy's wounds mercilessly.

[Chinese law stipulates that when the clerk announces the opening of the trial and the presiding judge and the collegial panel enter the court, according to the procedures, the lawyer or the client has the right to apply for the judge's recusal. In other words, if the judge has relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. with the plaintiff or defendant in today's lawsuit, the opposing party has the right to apply for him to avoid suspicion and not participate in this trial. After the application, the presiding judge will make a corresponding decision. For example, ask the judge to suspend his work and withdraw from the trial! Anyone who searches for legal knowledge or consults a fledgling lawyer will know this! This is common sense in the law, so people who do not understand this knowledge should not follow it. Just say someone like that just because of a general term.

The names of the presiding judge and the collegial panel are stipulated by the laws of our country. During the court session, every lawyer will call the judges this way. It is not the patent of someone at all. When did the collective terms prescribed by the Supreme Court of our country become the name of so-and-so? Patent? (Another explanation, the relatives and friends here include uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, high school classmates, junior high school classmates, elementary school classmates, as long as there is the slightest relationship, then the opposing party has the right to apply for this trial Members did not participate in the trial to avoid suspicion!)]

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