The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 144 As long as you win, I will give you an apartment and a car

Seeing the video on the big screen, Lin Mo's pupils shrank and his livid face darkened.

His forehead was pounding, as if his head would explode in the next second.

He leaned on the chair with a distorted face, closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

The opponent had a clear advantage at the beginning, and Lawyer Quan's mood hit rock bottom.

The road ahead was dark and gloomy, and he couldn't see a trace of light. Walking barefoot on the cliff, he might fall into the abyss at any time and be shattered to pieces.

"Now let the defendant start cross-examination."

The presiding judge looked at the video and had a lot in mind, but his expression was rigid and solemn from beginning to end.

Lawyer Quan picked up the mineral water on the table and unscrewed the cap of the bottle, but maybe because he was too nervous, the water in the bottle overflowed and spilled on his lap.

The black trousers were wet and stuck to his body, and the coldness hit him, and the panic in his heart disappeared a lot.

“Presiding judge, collegial panel, I think this video is illegal and cannot be used as evidence, so we do not accept the conviction.

Without my client's permission, Lawyer Li obtained the surveillance without permission, which was a serious violation of discipline and an invasion of Mr. Lin Mo's privacy. "

Lawyer Quan tensed his body, clasped his hands together, and looked into Li Nanfeng's eyes sternly.

For those who study law, it is common sense that this video cannot be used as evidence, but why did the other party still show it?

He was somewhat unable to figure out his opponent's thoughts, and his calm mood gradually turned into panic.

"Lawyer Quan, this video was extracted under a special investigation order approved by the court, so it can be used as direct evidence."

A dark light flashed in Li Nanfeng's eyes under the lenses, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.


As soon as the special investigation order was issued, lawyer Quan's body was drained of all his strength.

He leaned softly on the chair, his eyes dark and decadent.

The video that was shown has explained everything. This indisputable fact makes it impossible to refute it.

"Lawyer have to win this lawsuit for me."

"As long as you win the lawsuit, you can pay any amount of legal fees you want. By the way, if you don't need money, how about a house in the center of Mingdu City? If not, I can even buy you a car!"

Lin Mo opened his eyes, his face was as pale as paper, and he pulled the man's sleeves hard in a panic.

It was promised at the beginning that there would be absolutely no mistakes in this lawsuit, but why did things develop like this?

Lawyer Quan sighed, his voice dry and rough, "Sorry...I can't do anything..."

Looking at the pale faces of the people across from him, Mu Changying made a fist with one hand and placed it against his lips to hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

A hint of mockery flashed through her bright eyes, and Li Nanfeng caught this look.

At this moment, Mu Changying's smiling and cunning appearance perfectly overlapped with the girl in his memory.

Thinking of his cute and soft sister, his hand holding the pen paused for a moment, his eyes overflowing with doting and tenderness.

Rong Liyuan banged on the table a little harder, "Lawyer Li..."

His face was clouded, his pupils were full of anger, and there was a trace of blood in his eyes.

Li Nanfeng came back to his senses and pushed his glasses gently with his index finger, "Sorry, I was distracted just now."

His attitude was natural, his eyes were bright and aboveboard, and he was not afraid of the other party's probing at all, as if the softness he showed just now was really someone else's illusion.

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