The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 145 Why are so many people coveting my baby?

The presiding judge and the members of the collegial panel announced an adjournment of the hearing and left the room for twenty minutes before returning.

"I declare that in the case of Mu Changying suing Lin Mo for defaming his reputation, the defendant Lin Mo was found guilty and should compensate Mu Changying 50,000 yuan for reputation damage, 20,000 yuan for psychological treatment, and 30,000 yuan for lawyer's court appearance fees. The total is 100,000 yuan.”

The presiding judge's words undoubtedly gave Lin Mo and the others a loud slap in the face. They were beaten so hard that they staggered, with stars in their eyes, and were in a state of utter embarrassment.

This amount of money is nothing to the Lin family. What makes them feel ashamed is losing the lawsuit and losing face.


After coming out of the court, the two parties met unexpectedly at the elevator door again.

Mu Changying scratched her hair in distress, stepped back and said in a gentle voice: "Master Lin, how about I give up this elevator to you?"

The soft and sweet voice seemed like a sharp knife piercing the heart, and a huge hole was dug out in the heart with bright red blood flowing.

Lin Mo looked at the smiling little face in front of him, his expression froze, he couldn't control the anger in his heart, and he clenched his hands into fists again.

Seeing this, Jin Xieye took a big step and quickly grabbed his wrist, "Amo, don't cause trouble."

You just came out and wanted to cause trouble. Are you afraid you want to go in again?

He stood in front of Lin Mo and forced a smile on his lips, "Yingying... you have to be merciful and merciful."

They had been embarrassed enough today, and her purpose of venting her anger had been achieved. In this case, why was she still holding on to him so tightly?

A sneer escaped from Rong Liyuan's throat, and he stared at the person in front of him with his red eyes, "It seems... you don't want your tongue anymore."

It's really unpleasant, this guy challenges his bottom line again and again!

The endless evil spirit of the dark forest came overwhelmingly. Jin Xueye was stared at until his scalp was numb, and dense beads of sweat could not help but pour out of his forehead.

His Adam's apple squirmed, and he subconsciously took two steps back to put some distance between the two people.

Mu Changying took Rong Ruyuan's arm and smiled, "Coward."

With a hint of contempt in her eyes, she looked at a few people and followed the man's footsteps, entering the elevator first.


Seeing the arrogance of the girl baring her teeth and claws to bully others, the coldness in Li Nanfeng's eyes dissipated and became somewhat soft unconsciously.

"Lawyer Li, you are on a different path than us, so just wait for the next elevator."

Rong Liyuan glanced at the man outside with displeasure, and tapped the close button with his slender fingers.

That doting look was so dazzling that it made people want to dig out his eyes and crush them.

When the elevator door closed, Li Li didn't even have time to get up.

No, it should be that she is extremely professional and upholds the principle of being a good subordinate and does not disturb the second master's relationship with his wife.

"Ayuan, are you jealous again?"

There was no one else but them in the cramped space. Mu Changying looked at the man's blood-red eyes filled with animosity, and her little heart trembled involuntarily.

"Yingbao... why do you think so many people want to take a peek at my treasure?"

Rong Moyuan stared at her with obsession and extreme possessiveness, wishing he could hide her from anyone.

He stretched out his big palm to touch Mu Changying's face, and gently rubbed her skin with his fingertips covered with a thin layer of calluses.

"A Yuan, they can't get it no matter how much they peep. I only love you."

Mu Changying didn't notice anything unusual about Li Nanfeng and thought the person who made Rong Liyuan jealous was Jin Xieye.

[Ouch ~ Please give me some recommendation votes...]

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