As soon as these words came out, a dark light flashed quickly in Rong Liyuan's eyes.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he stretched out his big palm to caress Mu Changying's cheek, "Baby Ying, since the words have been spoken, there is no room for regret..."

Even if she cries and begs for mercy, he will not forgive her easily.

The man looked at the girl with soft eyes that looked like spring water, and the air was sweet, as if a honey pot had been knocked over.


Mu Changying blinked her eyelashes lightly, feeling something bad suddenly in her heart, and subconsciously reached out to help her overworked waist.


After finishing the matter of the old house, Li Li acted as the driver to take the two back to the mansion.

Sitting in the driver's seat, she looked at the two crooked people in the back seat through the mirror, her hands holding the steering wheel tightened, and the bewilderment and shock in her eyes hadn't dissipated.

Never expected that the miracle doctor of Changning is actually his wife, this is too incredible!

"A Yuan, I haven't paid the consultation fee yet, don't you want to renege on the bill?"

Mu Changying sat straddling Rong Liyuan's lap, playing with the buttons of his shirt with his little white hands, and there was an aggrieved look on his little face without makeup.

"Yingbao... all of my wealth belongs to you."

Warm and fragrant nephrite in his bosom, the tip of his nose lingers with the fragrance of a girl, his heart as hard as a stone is completely soft.

Mu Changying curled her lips and snorted coquettishly, "How can this be the same?"

She can indeed swipe the unlimited secondary card at will, but he gave it in the name of her husband.

But today she appeared as a miracle doctor in today's consultation, so of course there must be a clear distinction between the two.

"Okay, I'll pay you later." Rong Liyuan gently rubbed her hair, his eyes were soft and doting.

Hmm... Whatever Yingbao said is right, he just needs to follow it.

The two unscrupulously sprinkled dog food, and a bunch of flying pink bubbles filled the small space.

The corner of Li Li's mouth twitched, she looked away anxiously, and concentrated on driving in silence.

When a dog dies, no bowl of dog food is innocent, and she is finally "fortunate" to experience Bai Mo's hardships.

Fifteen minutes later, when the car drove into the majestic and beautiful Rong Mansion, Li Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She opened the car door, sent the second master and his wife respectfully into the house, then turned around and left the mansion without hesitation.

My stomach is already full, if I continue to eat dog food, I will explode and die.

The butler who stayed at home walked out of the living room, "Second Master, come back..."

Before he could say anything, when his gaze fell on Mu Changying, he froze in place in a daze.

Steward Sun rubbed his eyes in confusion, making sure that he was more confused after dreaming, "Ma' come you came back with the second master?"

Strange, didn't Madam go upstairs to take a nap after lunch? What's going on now?

"Sun Butler, you talk too much."

Rong Liyuan clasped her little hand, and swished a glance at the person in front of him.

Yingbao is so unbecoming, she must have sneaked out, but this kind of thing needs to save some face for her, and it can only be resolved in private.

If the little wife is ashamed, the benefits that have been obtained so hard may be ruined.

"Ah Yuan, let's go into the house quickly, I'm so tired~"

Clasping fingers together, the warmth of his palm passed to her. Mu Changying pursed her lips slightly, feeling warm in her heart.

Well, it feels so good to be maintained!

The girl's coquettish voice was like a light and fluttering feather, and there was a faint itchy feeling on the tip of her heart.

Rong Liyuan's eyes darkened, and he gently scratched the tip of her nose, "Okay, I'll listen to Yingbao."

Hmm, maybe he remembered wrongly, Madam seems to have left the house after dinner?

Watching the backs of the two leaving, Steward Sun scratched his gray hair and fell into serious self-doubt.

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