Rong Liyuan and Mu Changying entered the hall, and the man with a light scar on his face came into view.

"Yo, it's back."

Si Jinzhen leaned lazily on the sofa, looking at the hands of the two interlocking fingers, a gleam of interest flashed in his eyes.

He raised Erlang's legs and swayed, picked up the half glass of red wine on the tea table and took a sip.

Everything in Rong's mansion is always exquisite, and this red wine is no exception, it tastes full-bodied, rich and sweet, and he can't help but half-close his eyes happily.


Rong Liyuan sat on the sofa, patted his thigh to signal the girl in front of him to sit down.

Mu Changying didn't care about the feelings of a single dog, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She straddled his lap, her round head buried in his hard chest.

Si Jinzhen shook the red wine glass lightly, his teeth sore, "Tch, tired. Can I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Seeing sex and forgetting righteousness, Rong Xiaoer is really promising.

The girl leaning on the man's arms blinked and looked at the opposite person with a smile, her pink lips parted slightly, "Ah, are you envious?"

Mu Changying's expression was delicate and cute, and his watery eyes were as bright as summer stars, but Si Jinzhen's body shook, and the red wine in his glass almost spilled on him.

Damn, he hasn't forgotten how the little witch used a whip to teach him to be a man in the MG Bar.

He put down his red wine glass and sat upright, "Ahem...I'm really envious."


Rong Liyuan frowned, his cold eyes fell on Si Jinzhen, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Get out, you can't envy this blessing."

His tasseled treasure is beautiful and kind-hearted, and it is a unique treasure left by the gods in the world.

Anyone who dares to peek at his baby, he will break the opponent's dog legs!

Stared at by gloomy eyes, Si Jinzhen subconsciously rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, "Yes, yes, are worthy of this blessing."

Damn, this jealousy is too strong!


Mu Changying was so tired, she stretched out her small hand to cover her lips and yawned, her face was stained with tiredness.

The battle in the washroom of the old house in the afternoon was too intense, and my physical strength has not yet recovered.

Her eyelids gradually became heavy, and her vision became blurred.

Rong Liyuan's heart softened, and his voice softened, "Yingbao, go to sleep, I will carry you upstairs."

He hugged her horizontally in his arms, got up and walked upstairs.

Seeing this, Si Jinzhen, who was sitting on the sofa, remembered the purpose of his trip, and got up in a hurry to catch up with the people in front of him.

"Rong Xiaoer, when I went to see Grandpa Feng in the hospital today, I saw the miracle doctor Chang Ning, but I found that she looks a bit like your wife!"

As soon as these words came out, the drowsy Mu Changying who was lying in Rong Liyuan's arms suddenly woke up.

Her lips were tightly pursed, and the force of pinching the buttons of his clothes increased in vain, and she almost tore it off.

Although she lost her vest in front of A Yuan, she was still a little upset to be noticed by this guy.

"So... what do you want to say?" Mu Changying narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dark light in his pupils flickered on and off.

Si Jinzhen didn't notice that the girl's expression was gloomy. She put one hand in her pocket and whistled coquettishly.

"You look so alike, I want to ask if she is your sister-in-law?"

"Fat and water don't flow to outsiders, if so, how about introducing Chang Ning to me as your girlfriend?"

Originally, he really suspected that Changning's miracle doctor was Mu Changying, but since she was with Rong Xiaoer today and did not show up at the hospital, this assumption no longer exists.

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