The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 169 Friendly reminder, quick decision

Mu Changying rubbed her brows and chuckled, then looked away and walked towards the teaching building.

Do you want to expose this matter lightly? How could it be that easy~

Her face was calm, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, but if you look closely, you will find that the smile does not reach the bottom of her eyes, and her eyes are even tinged with a hint of gloomy color that is about to come.

All the way to the fifth floor, as soon as I walked around the corner, I heard an ambiguous gasp that made people daydream.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows lightly, leaned against the wall lazily, and eavesdropped on the corner openly.

"Uh... Ah Chu, let me go~"

"This is around the corner, it would be bad if someone saw it..."

The squealing girl nestled in the boy's arms, her porcelain white skin flushed, her eyes filled with mist, and she looked confused and lost in a unique way.

The tearful eyes fell in Rong Shichu's eyes, and instantly they became full of affection, and he wanted to refuse but still welcomed her.

"Yun'er, good boy, don't you think this is exciting?"

He lowered his head close to her ear and blew a breath of hot air on her small and exquisite ears.

It was numb and numb, as if an electric current had passed through it.


Her body was slightly warm, and she was so shy that her face was almost dripping with red blood.

This bewildered look amused Rong Shichu, and the light in his eyes softened.

"Don't be afraid, you are my girlfriend, isn't it natural for us to kiss?"

He stretched out his hand, pinched Gu Qingyun's chin and rubbed it carefully for a while, then nuzzled her delicate lips.

The two kissed inseparably, and Mu Changying, who was staying in the corner, watched with great interest.

She held her chin with one hand and looked between the two of them with interesting eyes.

Tsk tsk tsk... How hungry is this cheap son.

After watching for a while, I saw that the kiss between the two people changed from shallow to deep, full of passion and excitement.

Mu Changying crossed her legs casually, played with her black and silky hair, and lightly opened her delicate lips, "Here, a friendly reminder, class is about to begin~"

A soft and waxy voice suddenly sounded, and it sounded like thunder in their ears.

They separated at lightning speed, and then they all raised their heads and glared at the troublemaker.

Veins popped up on Rong Shichu's forehead, and the evil fire in his heart spread rapidly. The fire was huge and difficult to extinguish.

He clenched his hands into fists, "I..."

Mu Changying sniffed and pursed her lips innocently, "I kindly remind you to make a quick decision, how can you curse someone?"

She blinked and looked at the young man in front of her, with a look of confusion on her fair little face.

Rong Shichu saw that the person who disrupted the situation turned out to be Cheap Mom, and he couldn't vent his anger. He felt extremely depressed and aggrieved.

Damn it, this little bitch did it on purpose, right? !

"Ah, why are you so irritable? How harmful is this to your health?"

The corners of Mu Changying's mouth raised in pleasure, and a faint dark light shone in his eyes.

She looked at Gu Qingyun, who was obviously extremely angry, but was trying to restrain herself for her image, with a flash of heartache in her eyes.

"Look, this little mouth is slightly red and swollen. You really don't know how to show mercy..."

Hitting the snake seven inches, these words immediately made Lu Qingyun so ashamed and angry that she almost ran away.

Her flushed face turned pale, and a pair of small hands grasped Rong Shichu's sleeves uneasily. There was a thin mist in her eyes, like a beautiful white lotus swaying in the wind.

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