The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 170: Leaning against the big tree to enjoy the shade

Gu Qingyun pursed her lips tightly, weeping silently without saying a word, and the crystal tears streaked across her face.

The beauty cried so hard that Rong Shichu felt a pang in his heart.

A soft sigh escaped from his throat, and he gently lifted her into his arms, patting her back with his big palm to comfort her, "Be good, Yun'er, don't cry, don't cry, okay?"

Lu Qingyun nestled in his arms, her tears overflowing like a river bursting its banks.


Seeing the two people hugging each other closely and comforting each other, Mu Changying secretly rolled her eyes.

"Why are Qingyun crying? It's inevitable that young lovers can't help themselves when they get along. You don't have to be ashamed."

"Well...even though you are occupying public space for private matters!"

Her words were all gentle and soft, but to the two people who were caught, they were like a complete humiliation.

Seeing that their faces were twisted and ferocious for a moment, the smile at the corner of Mu Changying's mouth became even brighter and dazzling.

"Fuck!" Rong Shichu took a deep breath, couldn't hold back his temper and roared, "Mu Changying!!"

Hearing the roar that penetrated her eardrums, she frowned slightly and patted her ears gently.

"I know my name sounds nice, but you don't have to be so loud~"


Rong Shichu's face was livid, he was choked and speechless, and he pointed at her with trembling fingers.

There was a lot of rubbish in his mind, but he couldn't say it because of the occasion.

If Yun'er knew that this little bitch was fucked, she would definitely be sad.

Mu Changying smiled brightly and narrowed her eyes slightly, "Do you want your fingers to be chopped off?"

She casually stepped forward, squeezed his index finger with her little hand, and tightened her grip, causing a squeaking sound to be heard from the bones.


Rong Shichu's face turned pale, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, and he gasped in pain.

"Student Mu, we didn't offend you today, why are you so aggressive?"

Gu Qingyun looked pitifully at the girl in front of her, tears overflowing and blurring her vision.


A sweet smile escaped from Mu Changying's throat. She let go of Rong Shichu's fingers, curled her lips in disgust, and took out a tissue to wipe her little hands.

The gleam in her eyes became stronger and stronger, "You also said it...but I didn't offend you today~"

Why do you feel so confused when you find trouble?

Pushed off a cliff, fallen into the bottom of the sea, his parents were robbed, he peeped at the Rong family's property... all the hatreds added together are too numerous to count.

Gu Qingyun: "You..."

Mu Changying's transformation was so fast that she couldn't help but feel fear in her heart.

Things were out of control, and she was suddenly afraid that her identity would be revealed and she would once again become a mountain girl with nothing.

No, you can't! She must not lose this identity.

This is the ticket to the upper class, and she has the capital to keep climbing up.

Gu Qingyun lowered her eyes slightly, thousands of vicious thoughts welling up in her heart.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, a hint of ridicule flashed in her eyes, and her expression was sincere, "Qingyun, you must always be happy with Shichu~"

She looked at the two people in front of her and passed them by with her lips curled up in a dark expression.

If they weren't together, wouldn't she not be able to hear the other person calling her "Mom"?


Looking at the girl's leaving figure, Gu Qingyun clenched her hands tightly into fists, letting her nails dig into her flesh without even realizing it. The overwhelming hatred rolled out crazily.

Her cat eyes seemed to be quenched with poison, and just one look at them made people feel cold all over.

"Yun'er, I have made you feel wronged today. Don't worry, I will definitely look for opportunities to retaliate against that little bitch in the future."

Rong Shichu couldn't stand up for his beloved girlfriend, so he knew he was in the wrong and tried his best to comfort her.

When he thought of Mu Changying, he felt sour and melancholy in his heart. He leaned against a big tree to enjoy the shade. With his father behind this little bitch, he couldn't cross the mountain of Rong Liyuan to teach her a lesson.

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