The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 171 Hey, you are all a bunch of good kids

"No, I'm not wronged. Ah Chu, you don't have to blame yourself..."

Gu Qingyun raised her head, a soft smile appeared on her pale and bloodless face. The sadness and tenderness in her weakness made people feel pity in their hearts.

"Yun'er, I'm lucky to be able to catch you."

While Rong Shichu was moved, endless guilt surged in like a tide, almost drowning him.

Hey...his little girlfriend is really so considerate.


As soon as Mu Changying walked into Class 7, the bell rang.

Although the bell has been rung, the class is still noisy and undisciplined.

"Have you heard? Brother Xun appeared near the college campus today!"

"Nonsense, how could you not have heard of such a big thing?"

"Why did brother Xun appear near the school? Is there some program to be recorded in the college campus?"

"I heard from the gossip that Brother Xun may be invited to participate in the joint school sports meeting held in our school next week."

Many girls in the class gathered together and discussed with excitement about Li Nanxun's surprise appearance in the college campus.

When this piece of gossip was revealed, everyone's emotions reached their peak, and the volume of discussion suddenly increased.


This eardrum-piercing voice made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Mu Changying sat in her seat, rubbing her ears that were hurt by the noise, and a hint of coldness appeared in her black and white eyes.

"Excuse me, can you please lower your voice?"

She suppressed the dark light in her eyes, looked at them with a soft look on her face, and smiled.

"Uh... ok, ok, we get it."

Several enthusiastic girls were interrupted and felt a little unhappy.

But when their eyes fell on Mu Changying, their little displeasure quickly dissipated.

For disturbing such a quiet little fairy, they felt inexplicably guilty.

Seeing the embarrassed looks of these little girls, the smile on her lips deepened a little.

"Yeah, you're all good children, I'll give you some candies."

I have been warned, if you continue to disobey, your noisy mouth will be sewn shut~

Mu Changying opened her schoolbag and took out a handful of gummy candies of various flavors and placed them on the table.

The little girl who was the leader of the gossip blushed slightly, "Thank you... thank you, classmate Mu..."

Mamma Mia, this little fairy is so gentle, I really want to take her home!

She grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, and said softly, "Well... I have to finish all these candies."

This little expression was so soft and cute, the faces of a group of little girls were extremely blushing, like red apples.

They held the candies and nodded like garlic, "Yeah, yeah, we will definitely finish them."

Seeing this, the coldness in Mu Changying's eyes dissipated, and his pupils were filled with a bit of joy.

What a group of cute and well-behaved children. She likes to get along with people who have no scheming intentions~

The little girls are soft-mouthed and short-handed when taking advantage of others. The little girls stopped discussing and obediently returned to their seats to pass on the gossip by writing notes.

The classroom finally became quiet. Mu Changying took out her laptop from her schoolbag and quickly logged in to the official website of the Education Bureau.


Seeing that these people actually got Sister Ying's candies, Hua Qiqi, who was sitting in her seat, raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

She sat in her seat, her pretty little face wrinkled, and her whole body exuded a gloomy aura.

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