Hua Qiqi lowered her head angrily, curled her mouth, stretched out her foot and kicked the table violently.


The white shoes were too soft and could not withstand the damage from the kick, and bursts of severe pain suddenly came from the toes.

She grimaced in pain, her eyes were filled with mist, and she couldn't help but let out a low howl.

The sound caused the girl sitting in front of her to turn around and look at her with a puzzled expression.

"Qiqi, what's wrong with you? I just heard you yelling, what's wrong with you?"

The corners of Hua Qiqi's mouth twitched slightly, trying hard to hold back the physiological tears in her eyes.

"Ah hahaha,'s okay, what can I do?"

Holy shit... Oh my god, isn't this too embarrassing?

She sniffed her slightly red nose and quickly took out a book and placed it in front of her to block other people's sight.



Seeing this, Yu Linye played with the ballpoint pen in his hand carelessly, with a dark look in his deep eyes.

He stood up from his seat and walked straight to the girl sitting in the row in front, with a warm smile on his lips.

"Classmate Lin, can you sell me the gummy candy in your hand?"

This smile was so gentle and watery that it caused countless ripples in people's hearts.

The girl looked at Yu Linye for a few seconds before she was defeated. She was so fascinated that she took the initiative to offer the gummy with a small hand.

"Of course you can..."

Seeing this guy sacrificing his beauty for a candy, Si Xian shook his head with emotion.

With a playful look in his eyes that saw through everything, he smacked his lips exaggeratedly, "Tsk, tsk, tsk..."


Mu Changying entered the official website of the Education Bureau and saw that the latest official news was the announcement of the expulsion of Gu Hui as a teacher.

This fair and strict attitude attracted a group of netizens to applaud and praise the official below.

She murmured with her pink lips as pink as cherry blossoms, and a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

She lay lazily and bonelessly on the table, her tongue touching the stem of her teeth, "It seems... someone took advantage..."

Gu Hui is a relative of the Gu family. If his reputation is ruined, the Gu family will definitely be affected.

So... the person who took action to cover up the scandal this time was most likely her father Gu Zhan, who was extremely concerned about his reputation.

"You have the ability to cover up, and I have the ability to expose him."

Mu Changying frowned, holding the mouse in her little hand, and quickly inserted the virus link into the official website, and then edited and published the evidence of Gu Hui's scandal.

This piece of information listing his various scandals hangs high on the official website.

As soon as this news came out, netizens immediately exploded. Without saying a word, they picked up the keyboard and sprayed Gu Hui to death, and praised the hacker God K in all kinds of ways.

[Oh, Teacher Gu is so talented that he can easily hide from the official investigation. 】

[He has a human face and an animal heart. Dismissal is simply too light for him. He should be sentenced to prison! 】

[Bah, Gu Hui is such a scumbag, I don’t even have the energy to scold him. 】

[Ouch, ouch…K God! God K! God K is mighty! Humph, give up, as long as God K is here, don't think about overturning this matter easily! 】

[God K attacks, not even a blade of grass grows. Wherever the king is, all the darkness will be dispelled! 】

This matter quickly fermented in just a few minutes, and soon became a hot search topic, triggering heated discussions among countless netizens.

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