The authority is not open to official people, and they cannot remove the message at all.

The person in charge was so worried that he was sweating profusely and hurriedly called back a well-known technician, hoping that he would find a way to solve the virus.

Unexpectedly, this technical geek saw that the person who posted the news was K and immediately rejected it.

There was one reason why he couldn't detach the virus. The most important reason was that God K was the idol of their computer technicians!

How could he try to cause trouble by overestimating his abilities when his idol took action? !


Mu Changying erased all traces and went offline as usual. When she raised her head slightly, she saw a pair of black high heels appearing in front of her out of the corner of her eye.

With a slight smile on her lips, she calmly switched the page to the online class.

The English teacher came to her side, folded his hands on his chest and snorted.

She frowned and her face was gloomy, ready to scold this female student for playing computer games openly.

"You're so..." Her eyes fell on the screen, and her curse turned into a compliment, "You're really good, so studious!"

The English teacher's face turned cloudy, and his eyes showed full of affection.

She stretched out her hand to rub the top of Mu Changying's hair, and the soft touch made her curl her lips in satisfaction.

"From now on, if you have any questions about English, you can always ask the teacher."

It's rare to find such a studious child in a class with bad students, so she needs to be carefully cared for and cultivated.

Mu Changying put away the computer and stood up helplessly, her head hanging down sadly.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I shouldn't use the computer in class..."

There was a look of remorse on her fair and delicate little face, her teeth gently biting her lower lip, and her tender little hands grasped the hem of her skirt uneasily.

Such a cute and cute girl is as good as the world compared to the little devils in the class.

"No need to apologize, no need to apologize... you can use the computer in my class from now on."

The English teacher's heart softened into a puddle of spring water, and he couldn't help but relax the force of rubbing Mu Changying's head.

This child is so eager to learn, how can I stop her from learning?

Mu Changying raised her head, looked at the young woman in front of her with gleaming eyes, and asked cautiously: " it really okay?"

The girl is soft and waxy, and her delicate voice is like a deft feather gently tickling the apex of one's heart.

The English teacher's heart softened and he nodded vigorously without hesitation, "Of course!"


The little bully Si Xian was a little shocked when he witnessed all this, with a glimmer of envy in his eyes.

Although this English teacher had just graduated and had relatively few qualifications, he was still very strict with them.

She usually has a cold face, like a walking ice cube. How come she turns into an old hen with overflowing maternal instincts and protecting her calves when she comes to Sister Ying?

Ha... there is no harm if there is no comparison, but it is normal to think about it. After all, who gave Sister Ying a soft and cute face?

"Teacher, hurry up and start class, don't waste time!"

Hua Qiqi chewed the gummy Yu Linye gave her, tightened her grip on the book, and looked at the English teacher with cold eyes.

Damn, that’s too much! How could you touch Sister Ying's head for so long?

"Ahem...students, take out your English textbook and turn to page 32. Today we will review..."

The English teacher retracted his hand in embarrassment, pursed his lips, and the expression on his face quickly changed, becoming serious and rigid.

She cleared her throat and walked toward the podium on a pair of stiletto heels.

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