The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 180 Summer is suitable for drinking chrysanthemum tea

The old lady just woke up, and her mental state was not very good. She soon felt tired and sleepy, and a fight was going on under her eyes.

Seeing this, the two of them stopped disturbing her rest and left the room hand in hand.

However, when leaving, Mu Changying whispered a few words to Xiu Xin beside her.


The two came to the study room, and the moment the door closed, the innocence on her face suddenly changed into enchanting and charming.

Mu Changying pressed him against the door, playing with the buttons of his clothes with her slender white hands, "A do you want to repay the miracle doctor Changning?"

"Hmm...did you fall in love with her, so you worked hard to repay her~"

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and a mature and seductive charm overflowed crazily. The rich fragrance seduced people and was ready to move.

The innocent little face, the charming temperament, this pure and lustful scene caused the evil fire in his heart to keep rising.

Rong Liyuan's Adam's apple rolled, and he put a pair of big hands around her waist, "Of course I will repay with my own actions."

"Also, I am really attracted by the delicate and soft body of the miracle doctor Chang Ning..."

With a gentle tug, Mu Changying fell into his broad embrace. He freed up a hand to caress her little face as white as jade.

The man's dark eyes that could not be captured suddenly darkened, as if they were a pool of black stagnant water, apparently without any ripples but unexpectedly spectacular.

"But... all of this is based on the fact that Changning is you!"

"Because it's you, my heart is moved for no reason..."

The man's voice was hoarse and low, and his heart-stirring love words made Mu Changying's heart skip a beat unexpectedly.

Her throat suddenly felt dry, and she subconsciously stretched out her pink tongue to lick her lips, "A Yuan, I give you a hundred percent for your love words."

Mu Changying enjoyed his gentle caress, with an intoxicating peach-colored luster in her eyes, slightly confused as if she was intoxicated by his charm.

Her little face rubbed against his palm, a satisfied sigh escaped from her throat, and she looked extremely satisfied.

Rong Liyuan chuckled for a moment, and moved his big palm along her cheek to the back of her head, "Yingbao...this is the reward I want to give."

Hearing this, she closed her eyes gently, her long and thick eyelashes trembling slightly, whether it was anticipation or shyness.

"Knock knock—knock knock knock—"

Just when he was about to taste her tender pink lips, there was a rapid knock on the door.

The shy girl who was originally nestled in his arms smiled brightly, stretched out her little hand and pushed him away without hesitation.

"Ayuan, the weather is hot now. I just asked Aunt Xiu to make chrysanthemum tea to relieve the heat."

Well, although I almost fell into A Yuan's charm and couldn't extricate myself, I finally resisted the temptation. It was not easy.

"Yeah, Aunt Xiu must be anxious. I have to open the door quickly."

Mu Changying waggled her index finger, finished speaking with a smile, and then trotted to open the door.

"Yingbao... where does Baihuo need chrysanthemum tea?"

Looking at her running back, Rong Liyuan, who was standing there, stretched out his long and well-boned fingers to rub his forehead.

It seems...his baby had already thought of how to teach him a little lesson when he was in his mother's room.

"Don't worry, you can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade."

He suppressed the evil fire in his heart, walked to the table, sat down, and carefully read through the information of people who had close contact with Divine Doctor Lin.

In the past, Rong Moyuan could concentrate on his work as soon as he got into work, but today he was frequently distracted and found it difficult to concentrate.

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