The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 181 Thinking about things is more important than me?

Chapter 181 Things to think about are more important than me

He flipped through the information in his hand several times again, but found no clues, and his already gloomy mood became even more irritable and depressing.

Mu Changying came in with a pot of chrysanthemum tea. When she saw his frown and the gloomy look on his face, her little heart couldn't help but ache.

She touched the temperature of the teapot and found it was just right, neither lukewarm nor hot.

Mu Changying picked up a light green tea cup and gently poured tea into it.


The tea was poured into the cup with a slight sound, and streams of white steam rose up carrying the aroma of tea.

She straddled his legs and gently handed the teacup to his sexy lips.

"Ayuan, would you like to try it?"

Rong Moyuan opened his lips slightly, held the edge of the tea cup, and took a sip of the slightly sweet and bitter chrysanthemum tea.

Mu Changying stared at him unblinkingly and asked impatiently, "How does it taste? Has the fire subsided?"

He looked at the girl's delicate and fair face, and the dark look in his eyes became more intense, "The taste of this tea is far less delicious than that of Yingbao."

He stretched out his big palm, held her waist with one hand, touched her soft lips with the other and gently rubbed it, "The fire did not die out, but a spark started a prairie fire."

The man's fingertips were lightly calloused, and the rough touch made her lips gradually become hot.

"Well...then just bear with will pass after you endure it."

Mu Changying suppressed a smile, plucked at the buttons of his clothes with her little hands, and purred her lips innocently.

Tassel treasure... really needs to be taken care of...

She never forgets to tease him but doesn't want to be responsible at all.

"Ding dong——"

Before Rong Liyuan could take action to teach this naughty little guy a lesson, a text message alert sounded in his cell phone.

Good things were ruined time and time again, his eyes dimmed and flickered, and there was a strong aura of violence all over his body.

He remained silent and picked up his phone to read the latest news.

Mu Changying sat in his arms and glanced casually, her pupils contracting violently several times.

[Boss, hacker K went online this morning, but the time was too short and I didn’t have time to detect her IP address again. 】

Her little lips tightened into a hard straight line, and her heart was in a mess.

Why is A Yuan investigating K? Could it be that her identity was exposed? But if it was exposed, A Yuan would not be able to bear it and keep silent!

Rong Liyuan's expression did not change, and he quickly typed on the keyboard to reply: [Continue to stare. 】

After he replied to the message, Mu Changying quickly took a quick look and remembered the number in her heart.


After having dinner at the old house, the two got in the car and set off towards Rong Mansion.

Mu Changying sat in the back seat thoughtfully, recalling the text message in her mind.

She frowned slightly and subconsciously tightened her hands on the hem of her skirt.

Rong Liyuan put down the information in his hand and looked at her seriously.

"Yingbao, you are distracted with me...are you thinking about something more important than me?"

His voice was cold and hoarse, like a stone thrown into a lake causing ripples.

Mu Changying came back to her senses, saw his gloomy face, and squeezed out a flattering coquettish smile at the corner of her mouth.

"A Yuan... don't talk nonsense, no matter what it is, it's not as important as you..."

Damn it, why did you just forget that A Yuan’s sensitivity is amazing? Being blatantly distracted in the car is simply a blatant act of seeking death.

"Oh? Really, I reluctantly believe you once." Rong Suyuan felt helpless when he saw her cunning little appearance.

Even if he knew she was hiding something, he wouldn't be willing to force a confession.

Forget it, since she doesn't want to tell him, he won't ask...

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