"A Yuan is so kind, Yingying loves you."

Mu Changying moved her body closer to him, with a soft smile on her face and a pair of beautiful eyes filled with joy.

Phew, okay, okay, A Yuan did not continue to ask...

Rong Liyuan leaned on the leather seat, his gloomy face tainted with a hint of intoxicating tenderness, "Yingbao, your mouth is covered with honey."


There was a faint fragrance lingering in the car, but Bai Mo, who was sitting in the driver's seat, felt that the cramped space was filled with the sweet smell of love.

Hey, he said he would only believe it once, but every time his wife gave him a little coaxing, the second master's principles would fall apart and he would choose to believe her without hesitation.

He felt the world's strong malice towards singles, and there was a look of despair on his tender face, and he let out a small sigh in his throat.

"Ahhhhh... look, that big truck has broken down!"

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing roar sounded on the busy street.

The truck failed, and the pedestrians on the street looked panicked. They quickly ran to safety and looked at the big red truck with fear on their faces.


Broken trucks were running rampant on the streets. In panic, many truck owners made mistakes and crashed into each other, causing a series of car accidents.

Rong Liyuan raised his head and looked out the window, only to see the truck that had been ramming here and there change direction and suddenly hit the Land Rover.

The speed of the car increased instead of decreasing, soaring to the top, as if with determination, as if it was going to fight them to the death.

Something's wrong... This car is coming specifically for them...


His pupils shrank and he quickly reached out and pulled Mu Changying into his arms, protecting her tightly with his body.


The car shook violently, and Mu Changying nestled in Rong Liyuan's arms, feeling the hot temperature of his chest.

The situation was chaotic and the crowd was noisy, but she felt strangely peaceful and did not feel afraid.


"Oh my god, is the driver crazy?"

"If he couldn't control the car, he could have crashed into the building. Why did he pursue him and hit the black Land Rover?"

"Holy crap, does this scene look like a deliberate murder car accident scene in a TV series?"

People standing in the safety zone gathered together in small groups, pointing at the truck with pale but extremely excited faces.

Every time the rear end of the dark red truck swings violently, it can damage the vehicles next to it, causing chaos on the scene. The car is damaged and the driver is seriously injured.

"Damn, this is a lunatic!"

Bai Mo looked ahead and tightened his hands on the steering wheel.

He stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel at high speed, trying to get rid of the big truck that was pressing behind him.

But no matter how hard he tried to dodge the car owner on the other side, he still wouldn't let go. He drove the car at maximum speed and crashed into him desperately!

"Bai Mo, activate temporary automatic driving."

"Put the seat down right now. Now change positions. You sit in the back seat."

Rong Liyuan carefully protected Mu Changying with his body, frowning and looking out the window.

Many vehicles collided with each other outside, and the situation was tragic. Several intersections were blocked, and the situation became increasingly serious.

You can tell at a glance that this driver is well prepared and his driving skills are not low. It is not easy to get out of the situation.

"Yes, Second Master!"

Bai Mo took a deep breath and quickly lowered the height of the seat.

It seems... I am planning to fight the opponent personally.

"Yingbao, be good, don't be afraid."

There was a faint turbulent light in Rong Liyuan's pupils, and the strength of holding Mu Changying suddenly became stronger.

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