The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 187 Husband and wife work together to seek revenge

The scarlet red on Xuebei Mei's back stung Rong Liyuan's eyes, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Assistant Li Te!"

Li Li, who was in the driver's seat, stopped the car, took out a delicate bag and handed it to him respectfully.

"Second Master, things are ready!"

Judging from the gloomy look on my face, someone must be in trouble today.

Rong Liyuan took the bag and unpacked it in twos and twos. What he saw lying inside was a pitch-black weapon, and next to it was an exquisitely crafted wooden revolver. Judging from their lines, This is a matching set for men and women.

"Yingbao, I will avenge you right now."

Rong Moyuan glanced at her faintly, picked up the black pistol and lowered the window, cocked the bolt and aimed at the rooftop building at five o'clock.

"A Yuan..."

Mu Changying sat on the seat, with a hint of worry on her pretty face.

In this battle, the opponent has a geographical advantage. It is extremely easy to target them from high altitude, but it is undoubtedly difficult for them to counterattack.

She stared at the white revolver in the packaging box, her slender eyebrows slightly frowning.

"Assistant Li Te, open the roof of the car!"

Mu Changying looked at the rooftop opposite, with a faint sneer on her lips, and picked up the revolver bolt with her little hand and loaded it.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Li Li's hand holding the steering wheel stiffened slightly, and after a moment of hesitation, she immediately opened the roof of the Cadillac.

The moment the car roof opens, a breeze blows in and instantly dissipates the heat from the body.


Mu Changying moved her body and popped up her head. Three thousand black hairs were fluttering in the wind. The poignancy and beauty amidst the mess were breathtaking!

She narrowed her misty eyes, raised her pistol and aimed it at the rooftop of the building.

"Yingbao, can you go back and sit down?"

"Just let me do it, it will make your hands dirty!"

When Rong Liyuan saw her series of familiar operations, his heart was suddenly hit hard, feeling sour and a little bit happy.

His baby turned out to have so many sides that he didn't know about...

There was a light mist lingering around her, and all those secrets were deliberately hidden.

But it doesn't matter...he will find out one day!

"Ayuan, he is our common enemy. Since we want revenge, of course we must work together as husband and wife!"

Mu Changying stared at the rooftop, raised her chin slightly and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The faint sunlight shone on her body, and her strong and confident aura quickly spread around.

Rong Liyuan's Adam's apple rolled, and a low, hoarse smile escaped from his throat, "Okay..."

Husband and wife are of the same mind? He was delighted that she would say that!

There was a cold anger in his eyes, and he pulled the trigger with a stern expression!


The two bullets pierced the sky one after another, causing rapids and shooting towards the rooftop unstoppably.


"Fuck, damn it!"

On the towering rooftop, a man wearing blue short-sleeves and a pair of casual pants was lying on the ground, speaking angrily and cursing loudly.

He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and punched the ground viciously, stood up, packed his gun and prepared to leave.

After firing so many shots in a row without hitting him, his position has been completely exposed. If he doesn't leave, he will most likely fall into the hands of the enemy.

"This time it will be easier for you!"

Hehe, the organization has never failed to kill anyone. This second master Rong will be killed by their people sooner or later!


The big man stood up and just took a step when two bullets came through the air and engulfed his body one after the other.

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