The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 188: Beat your ancestors until they don’t even recognize you for eighteen generations

A gunshot passed through the left shoulder, the fragile shoulder bone shattered instantly, and warm blood spurted out.

Another shot penetrated the calf, and he staggered and fell to the ground.


The big man was lying on the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead and flowing down his chin and dripping onto his clothes.

His brows were furrowed in pain, his face was twisted, and he felt that even taking a slight breath was painful.


The big man closed his eyes tightly, tore off a corner of his clothes and randomly bandaged his shoulders and calves. He stood up and limped away, trying to escape.

"Yo, where do you want to go?"

Before the big man reached the stairs, a figure appeared in the sky.

Bai Mo crossed his fingers and pinched the bones, making a creepy squeaking sound.

He grinned sinisterly, with a vicious and ferocious look on his innocent white face, and approached the enemy step by step.

"You idiot, who gave you the courage to assassinate the second master and his wife?!"

"Damn it, labor and management will beat you so hard today that your mother and your eighteen generations of ancestors won't even recognize you!"

Bai Mo walked up to the big man in three steps and quickly grabbed him by the shirt. He raised his foot and pushed him on the abdomen, knocking him down to the ground.


His legs pressed tightly against the other's legs, he made a fist with one hand, and punched the man's face one after another.

The big man was shot twice, and his physical strength was rapidly draining away. At this moment, in Bai Mo's hands, he was like a piece of fish on a chopping board that was unable to resist and was being slaughtered.


In the car, Mu Changying's index finger clasped the ring of the gun and turned it gently, with a slight smile on her lips.

She suppressed the coldness in her eyes, raised her head and looked at the man sitting beside her, "A Yuan, is my shooting skill accurate?"

Rong Liyuan saw her looking like she was begging for praise. He slightly bent his long and well-boned index finger and gently scratched the tip of her nose, "Yingbao is great."

This pistol technique is almost superb and cannot be mastered overnight.

After receiving his praise, Mu Changying's smile became even brighter.

"Hehehehe... A Yuan is also very powerful. When a strong man and a strong woman are combined, we are indeed a match made in heaven!"

She threw herself into his arms, rubbed her little head against his chest, and then carefully hid the white revolver.

The girl's thought-cautious movements were caught in the man's eyes, and his pupils were stained with a trace of incredible and fatal tenderness.

It's better to keep this gun on her...she can use it for self-defense.


Seeing the two of them in danger, Li Li, who was sitting in the driver's seat, felt a little bloated in her stomach.

But what she didn't expect was that the madam's marksmanship was so good, and she was no worse than the second master!


Ten minutes later, the group returned to Rong Mansion. Rong Zhuyuan made an urgent phone call and called Fu Huaizheng, who was feeling sad at home, to come over to see his injuries.

"She just had some scratches on her back and legs, nothing serious."

He pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and as he spoke, he took out the potion from the medicine box and put it on the bedside table.

Mu Changying was injured on his back. If he applied the medicine himself, this guy would kill him.

"You go out."

Rong Liyuan unscrewed the medicine bottle, took out a cotton swab and lightly dipped it in the medicine.

Fu Huaizheng paused in packing the medicine box, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Haha...Brothers, just throw away your clothes after use."

This little boy is really explaining what it means to have a wife and forget about brothers all the time.

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