The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 189 I don’t usually see him as such a gentleman.

"As long as you know."

Rong Liyuan sat beside the bed. He looked at Mu Changying's red back with a touch of distress in his eyes.

He gently wiped the cotton swab on her broken skin, and his tenderness almost overflowed.


Seeing this, Fu Huaizheng's teeth became sore, as if someone had poured sweet honey into his throat.

He rolled his eyes speechlessly, lifted the medical kit with his fingers on his forehead and walked outside.


"Yingbao, if it hurts, shout out."

The small cotton swab was rolled on the girl's bare skin, and the white liquid was wiped on her wounds.

His movements were too gentle, like a feather tickling the tip of her heart.

Mu Changying lay on the soft big bed, her soft little face flushed.

She sniffed and buried her little head in the cartoon pillow.

"Ayuan, it actually doesn't hurt at all. You don't have to go to all the trouble to get Dr. Fu to come over. I know how to heal myself..."

After wiping the wound, Rong Moyuan tightened the medicine bottle and closed it, then threw the cotton swab into the trash can.

His rough fingertips gently rubbed her back, "Yingbao, if a doctor doesn't heal himself, he can't be careless even if it's a small wound."

Even if his back is scarred, he doesn't care, but she can't leave a few shallow scars on her back.

Girls love beauty by nature. If there are scars on her back, she will definitely feel lonely and sad.


A Yuan completely regarded her as a seriously ill patient, but she knew it was just because he cared about her so much...

Mu Changying murmured with her delicate lips, feeling helpless and warm at the same time.

She yawned lazily, "Ayuan, I'm so sleepy~"

A lot has happened today, and she is exhausted and in need of a good rest.

"Yingbao, I shocked you today."

"Be good, have a good sleep and forget those bad memories."

Rong Liyuan took off his coat and went to bed, carefully and neatly lying next to her.


Mu Changying smacked her lips and turned over, ready to put her arms around his strong waist, but he stopped her from making a slight movement of her body.

There was a hint of helplessness in his dark and cold eyes, and his voice was cold and serious.

"You are still injured, so sleep well."

She is really naughty. What if she touches a wound when she turns over so much?


Mu Changying, who was originally drowsy, woke up, stretched out her little hands to pick out her ears, and rubbed the pillow with a look of despair.

Huh, aren't you happy that someone is throwing you into your arms? I have never seen him be such an upright gentleman! ——


There is a transparent fish tank placed in the spacious and bright living room. Several small red corals were placed in the originally empty tank, and blue fish were spitting bubbles leisurely in the water.

At this time, a man wearing casual clothes and a white coat came downstairs carrying a medical kit. Fu Jiaojiao, who was lazing in the water, instantly became energetic.

She looked at the fish tank that was much higher than her with her fish eyes, puffed up a few strings of bubbles, and then jumped out with all her strength.


Unfortunately, the fish tank was too high and she couldn't jump out even with all her strength. Instead, she fell into the fish tank from mid-air and caused a splash of water.

This sound caught Fu Huaizheng's attention. He was about to raise his feet and go over to take a look, but the phone in his pocket happened to ring.

"Mr. Fu, our police found a ruined body of a girl near the First City Hospital.

Based on her clothing, there is an eight-point likeness to the photo you provided. Please come and confirm if she is the person you are looking for if you have time. "

"Okay...I'll be here right away!"

His voice trembled, and he quickly hung up the phone, holding the phone tightly in his big hands, his knuckles turned white and veins popped out.

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