
Seeing Fu Huaizheng closing his eyes and exhaling a breath of turbid air before striding away, Fu Jiaojiao's fish eyes were filled with mist.

She was filled with an aura of sadness, breathed out a few small bubbles feebly, and then swam to a corner of the coral and began to feel depressed.


In the black room, Rong Liyuan rolled over and got out of bed when he saw the girl next to him falling into a deep sleep.

He stretched out his big palm and gently rubbed her hair, picked up his coat and walked out of the room.

The big man Bai Mo captured is still waiting for him to interrogate...

After he left the room for a while, Mu Changying let out a lazy sound from his throat and waved his little hands restlessly.

She scratched for a long time but still couldn't touch Rong Liyuan. Her body squirmed slightly like a caterpillar and she curled her lips unhappily.

"Well... A Yuan..."

She whispered in a daze, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't get a response.

Mu Changying stood up slowly, her beautiful eyes gently opened, and her tender little hands rubbed her sleepy eyes.

She was stunned for two minutes and then her rationality gradually returned.

Looking at the empty space next to her, she stretched out her little hand and touched it as if to feel the warmth he left behind.

"Ouch... A Yuan must have sneaked out to interrogate the sniper."

In fact, there is no need to avoid her at all during the interrogation scene. Instead of feeling scared, she will feel extremely stimulated, and she can't wait to give the other party a severe whip herself.

"Now that he has started to take action, I can't be lazy and have to start work quickly."

Mu Changying's eyes flashed with cunning and cleverness. She got out of bed, picked up her laptop and curled up on the sofa, typing on the keyboard with her hands quickly.

She entered the phone number she had written down at Qishan Manor into the system to search, but found nothing.

"It seems...this is a number purchased without ID registration..."

The crouched position made the wound on his back feel a little painful from being rubbed by the fabric of his clothes.

She frowned slightly, took off her slippers, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and thought deeply.

Since the phone card was purchased through special channels, it may take a lot of effort to investigate.

"Well...I'm not helpless."

An idea suddenly flashed in Mu Changying's mind, and she rubbed her thumb and index finger together and made a crisp snap.

She edits a link on her keyboard to send the virus to the other person's phone.

As long as the person opposite opens the door, she can read all the information in his mobile phone.

She placed the computer on the sofa, stood up and moved her body joints.

Everything is ready, now you just need to wait for the other party to take the bait.


"Cough cough cough..."

In a dark and damp dungeon, a man with torn clothes and blood stains on his body was chained to the wall.

The area where he was shot had not been treated, and gurgling blood kept spilling out. The thick smell of blood filled the air, pungent and unpleasant.

Rong Liyuan sat on a chair and looked at the big man with an earthy face with a gloomy expression.

"Being tough and heartfelt is not a good thing here..."

"Every bustle in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. I never keep useless people."

If he can't tell any useful information, then his final fate will be to quietly disappear from this world...

Hearing this, the burly man with a bruised face glared viciously.

"Ha... you want to get something out of me? Just give up, it's useless!"

From the moment they entered the organization, each of them was implanted with poison.

Once any information related to the organization is leaked, the poison in the body will immediately corrode the whole body, and the body will turn into a pool of blood in less than ten minutes!

[The focus is: Doctor Lin, the poison in the old lady, and the poison in the body of the big man here... (this relationship chain should be clarified)]

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