Rong Moyuan stood up from his seat, slowly put on his white gloves and walked up to the big man.

He took out a tube of medicine from the medical kit and injected it into the man's arm. "It doesn't matter, you will speak."

Looking sideways, he saw the word "Yinxi" on the bottle of the medicine. This was the medicine that Doctor Lin had failed to inject last time.


The medicine is injected into the body, and the small flowing water makes the skin feel numb and itchy, and the internal organs seem to be being chewed and bitten by thousands of ants.

Yinxi, ranked fourth among the top ten poisons, collided with the overbearing poisonous poison. The two poisons collided, sending waves of overwhelming pain in the body.

" are simply despicable!"

"The poison of the Yin River is so overbearing. You are deliberately trying to hang on to my life and make my life worse than death!"

The competing poisons were fighting each other in the body, and a fishy sweetness surged in the big man's throat, and dark red blood flowed down the corners of his mouth and across his chin.

"If you don't want to tell the truth, I can't let you go for the time being, so you can only live in pain."

Rong Liyuan threw the used potion on the ground, took off his gloves and looked at Bai Mo standing aside, "Watch and don't let him bite his tongue and commit suicide."

The prisoner this time was at a different level from Doctor Lin, so he couldn't die casually.

"Second Master, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of this guy."

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows with a smile, and his gentle and harmless eyes turned ferocious and cruel when they fell on the big man, like a wild wolf coming out to hunt in the dark night on the grassland.


"Didi didi——"

Mu Changying had a laptop on her lap and a toffee ice cream in her hand.

After the computer beeped, she quickly stuffed the ice cream into her mouth and held it in her mouth. Her green fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard to hack into the other party's phone.


The frozen ice cream felt cold in my mouth, and a chill hit my tongue and teeth.

She moved the ice cream slightly and licked it, and couldn't help but gasp.

The phone of the person opposite suddenly vibrated violently, which was a reminder that the anti-virus system had been invaded.

Realizing that the link he just clicked was poisonous, he began to log out frantically to clean up the virus on his phone.

"'s a pity that it's too late at this time~"

Mu Changying's eyes shone with a cunning light, she put her tongue to the ice cream on her left cheek and said vaguely, "I will accept your information!"

After successfully getting the information on the other party's phone, she exited the page, wiped the traces clean, and slowly enjoyed the results of the call.

When her eyes glanced at 319 that appeared in the third row of information, she was slightly stunned and a little surprised.

The toffee ice cream melted in her mouth, and the cold feeling brought her consciousness back slowly.

"If I remember correctly... 319 is a hacker concentration camp famous both at home and abroad?"

Some time ago, people from this organization were pursuing her fiercely, hoping that she could join the concentration camp and become one of them.

After she refused, she never expected that she would meet someone from 319 in this way.

Hey, it’s really a bit of fate.

"But... why did people from the 319 Hacker Concentration Camp send text messages to A Yuan?"

After reading the information, Mu Changying put the computer back on the table, held her chin in one hand and sat cross-legged on the soft sofa in confusion.

What is the relationship between A Yuan and the people in the 319 hacker concentration camp? Is he part of the organization or a leader? Or...he just hired the other party to investigate K-God's affairs?


Just as she was deep in thought, the disciple in the room was suddenly pushed away, and a tall and slender figure slowly walked in.

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