The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 192: Boil a lifetime of brown sugar water for her

Rong Liyuan came to the room and saw the well-behaved girl sitting cross-legged on the sofa, deep in thought, and couldn't help but slow down her pace a little.

He came to the sofa and stared at her condescendingly, his eyes turbulent as if waves were suddenly rising on the dead black sea.


A shadow fell in front of Mu Changying. When he raised his head, he saw the man's dark and unfathomable eyes.

She stopped licking the ice cream, and the alarm bell rang in her mind, and she stammered, "A...A Yuan, what's wrong?"

This extremely aggressive look made her heart tremble inexplicably. Even though she had done nothing wrong, she still felt extremely guilty.

Mamma Mia, this look is too scary!

Rong Moyuan frowned, reached out and took the ice cream in her hand and threw it into the trash can.

"Yingbao, you're on your period, so you can't eat ice. If you really like it, wait until this period has passed before eating."

She used to go on hunger strikes to force him to let her go. Over time, her constitution became very weak. Her hands and feet were extremely cold every time she had her period. Eating raw and cold food during this special period was not good for her health.

"Okay, I won't eat."

Mu Changying looked at him with a gentle expression, and her whole body was filled with a touch of warmth.

A Yuan actually remembered her menstrual period so clearly...

She obviously felt very happy in her heart, but for some reason a transparent teardrop uncontrollably overflowed from the corner of her eyes.

"You stay in the room obediently, and I'll make you some brown sugar water."

The man's words made her stunned again, and the dusty memories in her mind were opened and her thoughts drifted to a long time ago.

As the head of the Rong family, the house where he lived had a specially hired chef, but in the first life, every time she felt uncomfortable during her menstrual period, he would cook the brown sugar water himself.

Although she threw away all the brown sugar water without drinking even a drop of it, from the ugly color of the brown sugar water at the beginning to the perfect color, taste and aroma at the end, she clearly knew that his cooking skills in making sugar water were improving day by day.

Mu Changying's distraction caused a trace of ferocious violence to appear in Rong Liyuan's pupils. could she be willing to drink the sugar water he cooked?

He suppressed the anger in his eyes and said, "I'll ask the chef to cook it for you."


Mu Changying pulled away from her memories, and couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart when she looked at the man's back as he turned away.

She quickly jumped off the sofa and ran after Rong Liyuan with her bare feet, "Ayuan, if you don't want a chef, I want you to cook it yourself."

The girl's soft and waxy voice shocked his heart, and he subconsciously stopped in his tracks.


Mu Changying ran too fast and couldn't stop in time to hit his hard back. Her soft little nose suddenly turned red, and her clear eyes were filled with mist.

"Okay, I'll cook it myself."

Rong Liyuan let out a slight sigh in his throat, turned around, picked her up and put her on the sofa, then squatted down and picked up the pink and waxy slippers on the floor and put them on for her himself.

Although there was a soft carpet on the ground, he still didn't feel comfortable letting her walk on it barefoot.

"Thanks husband."

Mu Changying held his face with her small hands and rubbed it gently. She pursed her lips and smiled, then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

The girl's delicate lips were as soft as sweet marshmallows, and the warm touch made ripples rise in his heart.

"Wait patiently, the sugar water will be ready soon."

There was a sweet and greasy aura around him, and the hostility in his pupils suddenly dissipated completely.

Ying Bao... As long as she likes it, he can cook brown sugar water for her for the rest of her life...

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