The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 280 Tell the truth and leave your body intact

Mu Changying's eyes were cold, without any sympathy at all.

He is entirely to blame for his current end, no one can blame him!

"Tell the truth and keep your body intact."

Rong Moyuan moved his fingers slightly, and there was a faint violence between his brows and eyes.

The low and hoarse voice fell on the big man's ears, and a bleak smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Even if Second Master Rong was willing to leave his body intact, the poison in his body would not agree.

As long as the secret is revealed, he will immediately turn into a pool of blood and disappear from the world, completely no longer existing.

But don’t say no... Gu poison tortures people, why is this Yinxi not the same?

The two poisons collided in his body, and he could no longer bear it either physically or mentally...

"A Yuan, something is wrong with him!"

The man's sad and obscure expression was caught in Mu Changying's eyes.

She frowned slightly, stood up and walked towards the big man.

There was no trace of doubt in Rong Liyuan's eyes, and he stood beside her firmly.

Seeing her reaching out her hand to feel the other person's pulse, he frowned and immediately gently clasped her wrist.

"Bai Mo, come find Zhang Sipa."

How could Yingbao touch such dirty hands?

"Ayuan, don't frown."

Mu Changying was not angry when her wrist was locked. Instead, she raised her other hand to smooth his frown.

"Yes, I'll go find it right away!"

These two greasy and crooked people were extremely dazzling, and Bai Mo felt depressed and dissatisfied.

The dog was so courageous that his voice could not help but rise a little higher. The warm atmosphere that was still filled with pink bubbles was completely destroyed in an instant.


Before Rong Moyuan could sweep over him fiercely, Bai Mo rubbed oil on his soles and disappeared.

A few minutes later.

Mu Changying held a snow-white silk handkerchief and placed it on the big man's wrist, feeling his pulse through the thin cloth.

" know medical skills?"

The big man looked at the petite girl with ripples in his pupils, but he soon returned to calm after a brief fluctuation.

This woman's qualifications are very short-sighted at first glance. What can she find out?

Mu Changying raised her brows slightly and slightly opened her red lips, "It's interesting."

This poison is poisoned in the body but it will not actively harm people. However, if the mind changes, the poison will become extremely overbearing and directly suck out all the vitality in the human body.

Moreover, judging from his pulse, there was more than one poison in his body.

" know what this is?"

The big man's pupils widened, and his lifeless face quickly came to life.

Mu Changying took off the silk handkerchief and threw it into the trash can, "I don't know yet."

But there was no rush. She had plenty of time to study it slowly. After all, he was going to see the King of Hell soon.

"Huh..." Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor was kind-hearted, and he originally thought that his wife would want to treat this guy.

Mu Changying returned to the chair. Rong Liyuan looked at the big man with increasingly impatient eyes, and the anger in his eyes was already shouting crazily.

"Tell me, what is the name of that organization and who are you under orders from?"


He originally thought he could choose to die, but now that he saw the glimmer of hope, the big man didn't want to tell the truth.

He took a deep breath and said, "As long as you can help me get rid of the poison in my body, I will tell you the truth."

As soon as the big man finished speaking, the atmosphere in the room became gloomy, and deathly silence spread rapidly.

A sharp look appeared on Bai Mo's soft face, "My brain is flooded."

He has already become a prisoner, and he still daydreams about negotiating terms?

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