"Given the current situation, you are not qualified to negotiate."

Rong Moyuan frowned deeply and stared at the man tied to the wall with his deep eyes.

He is a dying person, so why should he harbor delusions and struggle to his death?

The big man was so cold that he felt cold all over his body when he was stared at by the cold eyes, and he suppressed his fear and spoke.

"Ahem...if you don't treat me, I will never tell you anything about the organization!"

This threat was weak and weak, with no deterrent effect.

Rong Liyuan's expression remained unchanged, a cold and sharp dark light reflected in his pupils.

"Bai Mo, he talks too much, give him another injection."

As soon as he finished speaking, the locked man's face froze, and the tearing feeling in his body seemed to get a little heavier.

"You...don't you want to know the news about the organization?!"

His face was full of horror, and a sharp cry came from his throat.

The sound that penetrated the eardrums made Mu Changying's face sink as she sat on a chair watching the show.

She clasped her hands together, crossed her legs and swayed gently, "Xiao Momo, he is so noisy, please hurry up when preparing the medicine."

Hmm... She couldn't wait to deal with this guy and take away the Gu worms in his body for research.

"Madam, this fly will go to see the Lord of Hell soon."

Bai Mo prepared the medicine, and a sinister look appeared on his fair and soft face.

"You...you...don't come here. If you inject Yinxi again, my body won't be able to bear it..."

Realizing that these people were not joking, his body trembled violently, and his pale face was stained with endless fear and confusion.

The poison of Yinxi River ranks fourth on the poison list in the world. This poison is so overbearing that anyone who is poisoned will feel that life is worse than death.


A hint of sarcasm flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he quickly pressed the big man's shoulders, pressed the syringe with his hand slightly and injected the medicine into the opponent's body.

"Uh... it hurts... it hurts..."

As soon as Yinxi was injected, the quiet Gu worms in the body were awakened, and they violently ran rampant in the limbs.

Although he was staying in a dark and cold basement, the big man was dripping with sweat.

"Well...if it hurts, just tell me everything you know, and I can consider giving you a good time~"

"Compared to the long torture, doesn't it feel good to be relieved of the pain in an instant?"

Listening to the faint wailing in his ears, Mu Changying moved his index finger slightly, with a faint smile on his lips.

The girl's voice is soft and soft, like a mermaid's low voice, which makes people want to indulge in it.


The poison of the Yin River in the body accumulates together, and the tearing pain makes people want to live.

The man's reason gradually dissipated, his mind went blank, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

Say it? If you say it, you will be relieved and there will be no more pain...

"Yingbao, he's not worth wasting your breath."

How could a prisoner let Yingbao waste so much energy?

Rong Liyuan's eyes were calm without any fluctuation, and he already regarded the big man as a dead man.

Mu Changying released his clasped hands and said, "Ayuan, I just can't bear to see him suffer."

So, I wanted to give him a ride.

After all... early death and early rebirth.

"Yingbao, he doesn't deserve it."

Looking at the big man whose face was as pale as paper, Rong Liyuan's calm eyes filled with evil spirits.

He is just an assassin with evil intentions. How can he make Yingbao willing to give him a happy life?

How could her hands be stained with such dirty blood when they were so clean?

[The second master’s filter on his wife is really too thick (ah hahaha)]

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