Hearing this "Mom", the corners of Mu Changying's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Seeing her cute and lovely appearance, a slight warmth filled Rong Liyuan's deep eyes.

But when his eyes fell on Rong Shichu, this tenderness disappeared in an instant.

There was a serious look on his eyebrows, "Your mother is worried about you, don't let her down."

If you let Ying Bao down...then don't let this traitor go.


Rong Shichu's body was stiff, he felt like pins and needles sitting on his back, and the chopsticks in his hands were almost broken.

There was a strange smell permeating the dining table, but Mu Changying seemed not to feel it. She kept adding vegetables to the bowl with her small chopsticks, eating with great joy.

"Second Master, the head of the Gu family is outside asking for an audience."

The gray-haired housekeeper Lin strode in and stood aside to report respectfully.

His voice broke the silence, and the three people who were eating had different expressions on their faces.

Rong Liyuan said, "Let him come in."

Mu Changying chewed her food, her eyes like black grapes full of interest.

Gu family leader? It seems that her cheap father really came to apologize in person.

Yeah, this is the first time we’ve met, right? She was a little excited.

After all... she could see Gu Zhan, who was unattainable in front of her in his previous life, put down his body and apologize.

Rong Shichu put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Master Gu? Is it Uncle Gu? What is uncle doing here?"

Could it be that because he knew about the relationship between him and Yun'er, he didn't agree with it, so he came to beat them?

Seeing the confusion on his face, Mu Changying casually opened her red lips.

"Son, be sensible. Children should not interfere in matters between adults."

The fluttering words easily blocked his mouth.

Rong Shichu's heart became increasingly depressed, and he decisively chose to shut his mouth.

Ha... He will be pissed to death if he continues to pester this little bitch.

"My son is so good."

"Come on, this is what mom rewards you for."

There were no annoying flies in his ears. Mu Changying nodded with satisfaction, picked up a piece of green vegetables and put it into his bowl.

She had inquired before, and what this cheap son hated most was vegetables.


These green vegetables were emerald green with a layer of oil on them. They looked good, but it was hard for him to swallow.

Rong Shichu refused to take down his chopsticks, and Rong Liyuan's dark pupils were filled with anger.

"Eat it quickly, it's very nutritious."

Being able to pick up vegetables with Tao Bao is a blessing that this kid has spent eight lifetimes cultivating. Forget it if he is not grateful, how dare he show his disdain?

Under Rong Liyuan's ferocious gaze, Rong Shichu suppressed his dissatisfaction and picked up the vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Second Master, the head of the Gu family has arrived."

Standing next to Butler Lin was a man in a suit and leather shoes, about forty years old.

Xu Shi has been working hard all year round, and a few gray hairs are faintly exposed in his thick black hair, and his face bears the traces of ravines left by the years.

"Second Master, Master Rong, Mrs. Rong..."

Gu Zhan glanced at the people present one by one, and there was obvious scrutiny in his eyes when he saw Mu Changying.

To be recognized by the second master, this girl is definitely not an ordinary person. She must not be a vegetarian.

With such a powerful mistress, the relationship between Yun'er and Shichu needs to be carefully considered.


Mu Changying noticed this subtle glance and did not stop eating, feeling funny in her heart.

Gu Zhan and Tan Wan'an are truly a couple. The couple have exactly the same habit of weighing the pros and cons of seeing someone at first sight.

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