The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 306 What does it mean to bring a bunch of inferior products?

The man's appraising gaze made Rong Moyuan's brows surge with excitement.


With a soft sound, the chopsticks in his hand were broken, and a chopstick mark appeared on his palm.

"My wife, are you satisfied with it?"

Is Yingbao something this old man can keep a close eye on? Did his eyes not want it anymore?

The curve of the corners of his mouth was cold, and there was a deep cold aura lingering all over his body, making one feel like he was on a polar glacier.

"Second Master, I have no intention of offending Mrs. Rong."

The blow made Gu Zhan wake up with a start, and he quickly put away his eyes.

His eyes were pure and his face was calm, as if he had really done nothing wrong.

Gu Zhan acts openly and honestly, but the twists and turns in his heart have gone back and forth thousands of times.

This newly promoted Mrs. Rong seems to be really favored by the second master.

"Second Master, Mrs. Rong, I am here to apologize for that useless daughter."

"Qing Qian is still young and behaves recklessly. If I have offended anything, I hope you two can forgive me."

After speaking, Gu Zhan took out a set of albums from his bag and placed them on the dining table.

Mu Changying had a mocking look in her eyes, and a slight smile escaped from her throat, "You're still young..."

Gu Qingqian is the same age as her, right? How dare she come up with such lame excuses?

This old guy usually has a very good face, but today he put down his posture to apologize, although his face looks normal, but he feels very angry inside.

She put down her chopsticks, picked up the album with her little hands, opened it, and looked at it slowly.

Seeing the jewelry images on it, she gently touched them with her slender white fingers, and there was a deathly coldness in her lowered eyes.

She had invaded and destroyed the Gu Group's database, and the original design drafts of these jewelry no longer existed.

These finished albums look very similar to her paintings, but there are obvious flaws in many details.

She closed the album with a snap, with a slight anger on her brows, "Master Gu, what do you mean by bringing a batch of inferior products? Are you deliberately humiliating me?"

"I think your sincere apology is fake, but your deliberate attempt to humiliate me is real!"

The girl had an indifferent expression and a cold voice, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"Mrs. Rong, this is the exclusive jewelry for VIP customers of our Gu Group that will be launched soon."

Gu Zhan was questioned harshly, and the anger in his heart slowly rose, but he did not dare to show it blatantly due to the interests of various parties involved.

However, there was a hint of ignorance in his eyes that could not be concealed.

"Master Gu...are you expressing your dissatisfaction with my wife?"

Has this person forgotten where he is?

Rong Moyuan's face was covered with gloom, and the whites of his eyes were stained with frightening red bloodshot streaks.

He gave Ying Bao countless jewels, each piece of which was made by famous artists and was luxurious and luxurious.

What kind of rare objects has she not seen? Since the Gu Group's products are inferior, they must be inferior.

Gu Zhan's face was as pale as pig liver: "Second Master, I am not dissatisfied with Mrs. Rong at all!"

Seeing that he looked embarrassed and suppressed his anger, Rong Shichu couldn't bear it anymore and stood up with a groan, speaking out in defense with a firm look on his face.

"Dad, there must be some misunderstanding here. I believe what Uncle Gu brought out was not some inferior product!"

He clearly remembered that these jewelry design drafts were drawn by Yun'er herself.

She had stayed up for a long time working on these design drawings, and she felt very haggard.

Rong Liyuan sneered for a moment, and his sharp eyes fell on Rong Shichu, "Treason, get out of here!"

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