The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 311 A loving mother often loses her sons

There was a warm touch on her face, and Fu Jiaojiao raised her head with sobs, "Really...really?"

The little mermaid's eyes were filled with mist, and she looked so cute and cute that no one dared to say it wasn't true.

Mu Changying chuckled lightly, scratched her nose with his small hand, nodded repeatedly, "Of course it's true, I can't bear to deceive Jiaojiao."

This little crybaby cries whenever provoked. What if the tear ducts dry up?

Fu Jiaojiao stared into the eyes of the girl in front of her for a few seconds, flicked her tail coquettishly, and said in a soft voice, "Okay, I believe in Sister Fairy."

After saying that, she held up her little hands, opened her mouth wide and took a bite of sushi.

The mouth is full, and the cheeks are bulging, as plump as a small bag, which makes people want to reach out and poke them.

"So good."

Seeing that the small sushi in her hand was about to be wiped out, Mu Changying walked to the dinner plate, picked up one and handed it to her.

The little face lit up and he warned seriously, "You have to eat a small amount for dinner, and you are not allowed to eat after this one."

This little guy is petite and petite, only as big as a palm.

She had already reached her limit by eating two small pieces of sushi. If she ate any more, her stomach would become bloated and uncomfortable.

If a person feels uncomfortable, he can still go to see a doctor. If the mermaid feels uncomfortable, she can't cure it for the time being, and it will be very complicated to deal with it.

Fu Jiaojiao finished the sushi in her mouth, pursed her lips, and responded pitifully, "Okay..."

She now lives in the fairy sister's house and has to be obedient.


The little mermaid finally stopped crying.

The little Gu insect that was struggling and resisting stopped, with a look of satisfaction in its eyes.



Mid-level villa, Gu family.

A group of people sat in a Chinese-style living room in silence, and the silent atmosphere was particularly strange.

Everyone looked up and exchanged glances, completely confused as to what was going on.

Gu Xichen raised his eyebrows and lowered his crossed legs.

Strange, why does Dad look so angry?

Could it be that the trip to Rong Mansion to apologize did not go smoothly this time?

Thinking of this, he looked at Gu Qingqian with a faint look of displeasure.

The fake sister is just a careless troublemaker, and she doesn't have the slightest bit of intelligence and kindness that Yun'er has.

"Dad, if you have anything to say, just tell us. This way we can share your worries. If you hold it in your heart, you will be so angry that it will damage your body."

Gu Qingyun stood up from the sofa with a worried look on her face, made a cup of tea and placed it in front of Gu Zhan.

Then she walked around behind the sofa and stretched out her little hands to put on his shoulders and squeeze them gently.


Gu Zhan frowned and his face was gloomy. He raised his hand and slapped Gu Qingyun's little hand away displeased.

"Husband, even if you are angry, you can't vent it on your daughter."

The crisp sound of slapping shocked Tan Wan'an.

She stood up in a hurry and walked to Lu Qingyun, holding her daughter's little hand and checking it with a distressed look on her face.

This is the daughter she gave birth to after a ten-month pregnancy.

Yun'er was miscarried and suffered for so many years. Now that she is back as a parent, of course she will hold her and care for her. How can her husband hit her?

Gu Zhan's forehead was filled with veins, "A loving mother often loses her son!"

He snorted coldly, glared at Tan Wan'an and Gu Qingqian angrily, and then strode out of the living room.

"Yun'er, are you okay?"

Seeing Gu Xichen wandering around Gu Qingyun with the same distress, Gu Qingqian, who was sitting on the sofa and watching with cold eyes, let out a slight sneer.


Oh, you deserved to be beaten!

But... wasn't it just a beating? It made it look like the injury was serious.

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