Tan Wan'an looked at Gu Qingyun's reddish hands, feeling pity in his heart.

After the daughter was found, she did not dare to speak loudly for fear of making her daughter feel uncomfortable.

What my husband did just now really hurt my daughter’s heart.

She stretched out her hand and patted Gu Qingyun's back, "Qingqian, go find the medical kit and come here."

Although the injury was not serious, it could not be left untreated.

Girls' skin is very delicate, so you must not be careless in the slightest.

"Okay...I know mom."

Oh, let her take action, is this country girl worthy?

Gu Qingqian rolled her eyes, suppressed the cynicism in her eyes, and reluctantly got up to find the medical kit.



The next day, the morning light was dim.

The girl lying on the soft bed turned over, smacked her lips and continued to sleep.

When she turned over, the quilt was kicked away by her, and the man sleeping next to her opened his eyes.

His pupils were cold and there was no trace of the drowsiness he had when he first woke up. He must have been awake for a long time.

"Yingbao, be good and cover yourself with quilt."

There was a little bit of warmth in Rong Liyuan's eyes, and he pulled up the quilt to cover her.

"Uh... don't."

Mu Changying frowned slightly, waved the quilt away with her little hand, and kicked her legs mischievously.

She rolled over again and rested on him like an octopus.

A pair of small hands were placed on his chest, and her fingers tightened slightly on his clothes.

Her little nose breathed in the familiar breath, and her restless sleeping face gradually calmed down.

The girl's little face is white and soft, and she is so well-behaved that people want to rub her into their bones.

"I don't know where you learned it from."

Rong Liyuan pulled up the quilt and covered her body, willingly using it as a human cushion for her without any intention of picking her up.

He put his big palms on her back and patted her gently, skillfully coaxing her to sleep.

He had hugged her like this countless times before when she was asleep. Only when she was asleep would his tassel be as obedient as a newborn kitten and would not be disgusted with him.

Mu Changying buried her head on his chest and murmured in a low voice, "A Yuan...A Yuan..."

She seemed to be trapped in a nightmare, and her voice was so fragile that it made people feel distressed.

This voice fell into his ears, and he pulled away from his memories and stared at the girl in his arms.

Rong Moyuan looked attentive, "Yingbao, I'm here..."

In the dream, the ground was filled with blood, and the usually vicious and violent man held her tightly in his arms.

His big palm covered with blood and soil caressed her cheek, and the love in his pupils was expressed.

Her heart was twisted like a knife, calling his name over and over again, but in the end his hand still hung down weakly...


Suddenly, Mu Changying opened her eyes and sat down on the big bed with a sound.

Thick sweat dripped from her forehead, and her sleepy eyes were filled with fear and despair.

"Yingbao, I am here, your Ayuan is here..."

Rong Liyuan quickly lifted the quilt, stretched out his hands and carefully took her into his arms from behind.

His fingertips with a thin layer of calluses traced her eyebrows, and slowly moved up to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

The man's fingers were slightly cool, and the clear touch made Mu Changying's irritable and restless heart seem to have found a haven, and slowly calmed down...

"A Yuan, A Yuan, A Yuan..."

"Yingbao, I'm here, Yingbao, Ayuan will always be by your side..."

No one can be driven away, including you! Even if he has to be driven away, he will stay at all costs!

She called his name over and over again, and he responded tirelessly and tirelessly every time.

[This dream is from a past life]

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